Audiences with Kyabje Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche 創古仁波切私人會面

Audiences with Kyabje Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche 創古仁波切私人會面

By Thrangu Monastery Canada


Thrangu Monastery Canada

8140 NO 5 ROAD RICHMOND, BC V6Y 2V4 Canada


Starting Friday, August 4th , Kyabje Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche will be accepting private audiences every weekend morning until October 23rd. Due to Rinpoche's overwhelming schedule, audiences will begin each day at 8:00AM. However, should unforseeable circumstances arise, we will notify each individual if the appointment time is being changed . Thank you for your understanding. Please leave your detailed contact information in order for the registrar to reach you effectively, thank you.

從星期五9月23日起至10月23日、怙主堪千創古仁波切將於每週末早晨接受私人會面。由於仁波切法務繁忙,每日會面時間將從早上8:00開始。此外,有時因無法控制之因素,私人會面時間可能會有所變動,屆時本寺會另行通知註冊者。若有不便敬請諒解 。請留下您的詳細聯絡資料,辦事處會安排並通知您會面實際日期。

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