The Essentials of MOSAIC™ (Online)

The Essentials of MOSAIC™ (Online)

By Omnira MOSAIC Client Services Team




The Essentials of MOSAIC™

Description: This is a compressed MOSAIC training course designed to provide users with the essential skills to understand and use MOSAIC. The course will cover the fundamentals of how MOSAIC works as well as how you can use it within your environment.

Audience: This course is designed for any user, generally from an existing or potential customer, who is new to using MOSAIC.

Each session will be led by the instructor who will work through a number of exercises covering navigation, terminology and concepts as well as how to build and complete a single well evaluation. The processes that MOSAIC supports can be introduced to help the audience with the transition from the classroom into the real world.

Further training can be made available that tackle in more details the specific workflows that MOSAIC supports.

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