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Organizing an event

Improve your event visibility in Eventbrite search

Events usually show in search results within minutes of publishing. Make sure to use relevant keywords when making your event. This makes it so your event appears when attendees search for events like yours. If you can't find your event in Eventbrite' search, check your search settings and make sure your event is public.

In this article

  • Confirm your event is eligible for search.
  • Use keywords to improve your search ranking.

Confirm your event is eligible for search.

To appear in Eventbrite's searches, your event must meet the following requirements:

  • Your event is live and hasn't started yet — Draft, in-progress, and completed events won't appear in search results. Also, single events that run for several weeks won't be included (this doesn't apply to recurring events).

  • Your event is public — If your event is private for any reason, it won't appear in search results. Review your privacy settings to confirm your event is public.

  • Your event does not have a TBA location — Search is based on location. Events with a TBA location aren't eligible for search.

  • Your event follows Eventbrite's Terms of Service — Events that violate the Terms of Service are not listed.

If you can't find your event in search results, make sure your location and search terms are correct.

It may take a few minutes for your event to appear in Eventbrite search results after publishing. Outside search engines need more time to index events. After publishing, it normally takes 2 to 3 days for your event to show in Google searches.

Use keywords to improve your search ranking.

Eventbrite's search algorithm uses a variety of factors to determine search ranking. It's not currently possible to manually adjust this. The best way to improve your search ranking is to use relevant keywords.

1. Determine your event's best keywords.

Keywords are terms your potential attendees will search for. They should be common terms but specific enough to attract your desired audience.

For example, if your event is a concert, keywords like "music", "festival", and "live" might be relevant to your event. You'll also want some keywords for the genre, like "rock" or "hip hop".

TIP: Your organization or brand name might also be a relevant keyword.

2. Use keywords in your title, description, and tags.

The more you use your chosen keywords, the higher your event will rank in searches with those terms. Add them to:

  • Your title — Give your event a unique title that uses your most important keywords.

  • Your event tags — Under "Basic info", create tags based on your keywords. You can create up to 10 tags per event.

  • Your description — Keywords in your description help improve your placement and let attendees know that your event is for them.

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