Awaken Your Inner Peace: Sunrise Restorative Yoga

Awaken Your Inner Peace: Sunrise Restorative Yoga

Start your day in a state of serenity with our Sunrise Restorative Yoga. Designed to gently awaken the body and mind.

By Balanced Souls


2763 Sunridge Way NE #105

2763 Sunridge Way Northeast #105 Calgary, AB T1Y 7K7 Canada

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About this event

    🌅 Awaken Your Inner Peace: Sunrise Restorative Yoga Hour 🌅

    Start your day in a state of serenity with our Sunrise Restorative Yoga Hour. Designed to gently awaken the body and mind, this hour-long class offers a tranquil oasis to begin your day with clarity and calm.

    What is Restorative Yoga?
    Restorative yoga is a gentle and therapeutic practice that focuses on deep relaxation and stress relief. Through supported poses, mindful breathing, and meditation, it allows the body to release tension and restore balance, setting the tone for a peaceful and harmonious day ahead.

    Benefits of Sunrise Restorative Yoga:

    🌸 Energizing Start: Gently awaken your body and mind as you ease into each supported posture, cultivating a sense of vitality and presence to carry with you throughout the day.
    🌸 Mental Clarity: Settle the mind and enhance focus with gentle movements and mindful breathing, fostering mental clarity and emotional balance as you navigate the challenges of the day.
    🌸 Stress Resilience: Activate the body's relaxation response and reduce stress hormones, empowering you to face daily stressors with grace and resilience.
    🌸 Positive Mindset: Start your day with a sense of peace and optimism, nurturing a positive outlook and inner resilience to navigate life's ups and downs.
    🌸 Enhanced Well-being: Cultivate a deeper connection to yourself and your surroundings, promoting a sense of well-being and inner harmony that resonates throughout your day.

    Perfect for Early Risers and New Yogis Alike:
    Whether you're an early bird or new to yoga, our Sunrise Restorative Yoga Hour welcomes practitioners of all levels. Rise with the sun and join us for a gentle and nourishing practice that will leave you feeling refreshed, revitalized, and ready to embrace the day ahead. With no prior experience necessary, it's the perfect way to start your day with intention and self-care.

    Nourish Your Body and Soul:
    Awaken your inner peace and embrace the beauty of a new day with our Sunrise Restorative Yoga Hour. Join us as we journey together towards a day filled with serenity, clarity, and joy.

    🌞 Embrace the Dawn. Reserve Your Mat Now. 🌞

    Organized by

    Sound Bath/Meditation/Journey - An ancient meditative practice with roots from two thousand years ago in Tibet.

    The use of sound therapy has been with us since the creation of humanity. We are literally wired to respond to sound!

    Our Ancestors healed broken bones, muscle tears and illnesses of every kind using sound frequency with tuning forks, the didgeridoo, native drums, Tibetan bowls etc.

    In a sound bath, the brainwave state is altered from normal waking state where we think and take action(beta) to relaxed state or unfocused (alpha), dreamlike state, REM sleep (theta), and its even possible to get into restorative state, healing is able to take place in this state(delta).

    As the mind and body relax, the heart rate and blood pressure decrease, and our breathing becomes softer, the pulse and heart rate decrease, and you feel more connected to your inner world rather than the outside world.

    This is the golden state of a sound bath, and it is the state in which the body's natural healing capabilities are triggered and can result in miraculous shifts within one's body, mind, and emotional state. This includes reducing anxiety, diminished pain, feeling generally happier and leads to a renewed sense of purpose.

    The tones produced by the crystal singing bowls in a sound bath are not just heard by the ear, you'll feel them in your body, with certain tones affecting your energy centers called the chakras, for healing and balancing. Crystal singing bowls have the ability to rebalance or heal chakras because each energy centre has a unique vibrational frequency that interacts with the vibrational frequencies created when playing a crystal singing bowl.

    Since quartz is an amplifier and a transmitter, the frequencies are amplified as the bowls are played, allowing the crystals to sing or talk.

    ***It is important to keep your intentions in a high vibrational state while experiencing the crystal bowls both for the person playing and the person receiving. ***

    Why am I so tired after a sound bath?

    Some people may experience cold symptoms or tiredness after a sound therapy session, some experience increased energy.

    Any adverse effects such as cold symptoms or headaches are a good thing. This is the body's natural way of releasing unwanted toxins and shifting what needs to change.

    After Care;

    We will do a grounding practice at the closing of the event. But it is important to feel grounded before driving after a sound bath. Please speak to me if you do not feel grounded enough to drive.Drink Lots of water for the next 24 hours as you can have a detox effect after a sound bath.

    Why do I shiver during sound bath?

    On a physical level, you might experience vibration in the body due to the intense and powerful sound-waves and vibrations produced during a sound bath. Some people encounter this energetic clearing in the form of shaking or twitching in the body, usually through the hands and feet.

    How should I feel after a sound bath?

    Wellness experts describe it as a meditative experience where you're surrounded by soothing sounds and you feel safe and relaxed. Most people feel refreshed after a sound healing session as their worries are released, their emotions are regulated and their mind feels calm.

    Who should not participate in a sound bath?

    There is a growing body of research that sound therapy using singing bowls can benefit some mental and physical conditions. The most evidence is for relaxation, especially if you use the bowls in guided meditation.

    There is little evidence that Tibetan/Crystal singing bowls are dangerous in any way. For most people, they likely won’t cause any negative effects. There are a number of precautions against using singing bowls in some circumstances;

    Epilepsy: Singing bowls may trigger seizures. People with epilepsy should generally avoid singing bowls.

    Mental health: Singing bowls often elicit deep memories, emotion, and thoughts. If you are diagnosed with a mental disorder like PTSD, anxiety, or depression, be sure to work with your naturopath doctor, MD doctor or therapist to make sure you can manage the thoughts and feelings that might arise.

    Pregnancy: In general, avoid singing bowls during the first trimester in pregnancy. If your doctor approves after this period, you might try short sessions, but make sure the bowls are away from your belly and back.

    Thrombosis - any deep vein thrombosis in the leg or known thrombi. Sound can cause the thrombosis to dislodge and move throughout the body.