Breathwork Ceremony

Breathwork Ceremony

An evening of self-discovery, community and connection.

By Desiree Taylor

Select date and time

Friday, June 28 · 7 - 9:30pm PDT


1577 128th St

1577 128th Street Surrey, BC V4A 3V1 Canada

Refund Policy

No Refunds

About this event

Step away from the demands of everyday life and give yourself the sacred time and space for self-discovery and genuine connection. Come as you are—with no masks or roles, and speak what’s on your heart in a safe setting.

In this ceremony, we’ll share our experiences and breathe in community. Together, we’ll co-create an environment that nurtures authenticity, strength and self-compassion.

What is Breathwork?

Breathwork is the practice of noticing the breath and consciously directing it for the purpose of healing and transformation. There are many forms of breathwork.

We’ll be journeying through Conscious Connected Breathing—a method that allows us to connect deeply with our bodies and let go of stored tension and emotions. This style of breathing often reveals the habitual patterns we live by and gives us an opportunity to change at a primal and fundamental level. When we breathe differently, we live differently.

We’ll be entering a non-ordinary state that gives us access to higher awareness and often big breakthroughs. Come experience the wisdom of your own breath—inhaling new possibilities and exhaling what’s holding you back.

What to Bring:

  • Loose, comfortable clothing to move and breathe freely.
  • Water bottle to remain hydrated.
  • Warm blanket and pillow
  • Yoga mat / single foam mat: We'll be lying down for an hour so please bring what you need to be comfortable. NO LARGE AIR MATTRESSES.
  • Eye mask (optional)
  • Journal and pen (optional): You may want to take notes on your experience after the ceremony.
  • An open heart and willingness to listen to your body’s wisdom.

How to Prepare:

  • No alcohol or drugs (other than prescription) 24-48 hours prior to the ceremony.
  • Avoid heavy meals 2 hours before.
  • Set an intention: Take some time to reflect on what you hope to experience during the ceremony. Setting a clear intention can enhance the benefits of the practice. Is there something you’d like to shift, let go of or invite in?

Medical Disclaimer

Breathwork may not be for everyone and should not be practiced if you have:

  • severe asthma
  • breathing difficulties
  • cardiovascular problems
  • recent surgery
  • epilepsy
  • history of seizures
  • any diagnosed severe mental illness like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.

Please note that this is not an extensive list and if you are unsure if breathwork is right for you, please consult your physician before attending.

Meet Your Facilitators

Desiree Taylor

Hello and welcome! My name is Desiree Taylor and since 2009, I’ve had the privilege of helping people on their path to wellness as a Registered Massage Therapist.

In 2022, I completed my training as a Breathwork Facilitator. As I step into these roles, I aim to create a welcoming space where I work with your body’s innate healing wisdom.

Whether your imbalances are derived from physical injury or emotional distress, my intention is to help your body, mind and soul move into a state of balance and harmony. I understand that emotions, memories and traumas can be held physically in the body. My hope is to help you uncover those blockages as you move forward in your healing process.

It’s an honour to have you entrust me with your challenges and one that I don’t take lightly. I promise to help you to the best of my ability.

To follow along, visit my instagram page @drift_within.

Margaret Pineda

Margaret Pineda is a Breathwork Facilitator in Training and has been a Massage Therapist since 2012. Her experience of burnout, career frustration and health issues as a new mom led her down a path of holistic healing. She studied the nervous system, breath, mind and energy centers and discovered that it’s possible to feel even more alive and creative after kids.

Margaret brings her years of experience in the healing arts to breathwork. She has a down-to-earth approach and is passionate about helping others navigate life’s intense changes through the breath. Margaret also loves guiding people to discover their gifts so they can uplift the world in their own meaningful way.

To follow along, visit my webpage:

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