Exploring Pedagogical Narration

Exploring Pedagogical Narration

A Deep Dive into the process of Pedagogical Narration

By Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House Reggio-Inspired Learning Centre

Select date and time

Monday, July 8 · 10am - 2pm PDT


Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House

2131 Renfrew Street Vancouver, BC V5M 4M5 Canada

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Untitled agenda
Untitled agenda
Untitled agenda

10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

July 8, 2024

1:1 study of the process of PN - includes lunch break

About this event

Are you trying to bring in the process of Pedaogical Narration to your practice - and need a little more in-depth understanding of it?

This four-day course will give you the opportunity to:

  • meet one to one with a facilitator, studying the process of the PN in theory
  • join our Village Junior Kindergarten classroom and engage with the process as children and educators work with their living inquiries
  • spend time with an educator to reflect on your experience and deepen your understanding of the theory

We have learned that the process of Pedagogical Narration is magical - but it is difficult to understand completely without seeing it in action - we hope this opportunity will give other educators the time and space to see things alive and deepen their knowlege of PN.

To register, please choose the July 8th date at registration page.

Please note the four dates offered are only open to one participant. Once you register, we will contact you for a phone interview - participants should have a rich understanding of the principles and philosophy of the Reggio Emilia approach OR the BC Early Lerning Framework.

We will be offering more opportunities and dates. You can add your name to the waiting list if you wish to join future opportunities.

certificates of professional development hours will be provided

for more information, please email Maryam: maryam@froghollow.bc.ca