Kundalini Awakening - Awaken your kundalini Fire with Radia

Kundalini Awakening - Awaken your kundalini Fire with Radia

Learn the ancient secrets to higher consciousness as you embrace this journey of change and transformation.

By Kundalini Activation by Radia


Yoga Fire Fox

2283 Argentia Road ##5 Mississauga, ON L5N 5Z2 Canada

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Demonstration- Inititation

Life Force Energy Activation/Deeper Awakening (70 Min)


Integration Tips & Closing

About this event

Learn the ancient secrets to higher consciousness as you embrace this journey of change and transformation. This journey of awakening your kundalini and going deeper into this process allows you to embrace and step into the unknown. As you step into the unknown you uncover many layers and layers of secrets of the universe that allows you to call abundance in your life - abundant love, richer relationships abundant opportunities, abundant health and joy.

There is only one truth, and that truth is energy. We're all matters from energy. When you understand this everything in your life changes.

Your life is a mirror of the energy that you're in. Understanding that the secret of the universe is energy changes everything and every aspect of your life.

What is an awakening kundalini?

It is a journey to understanding and getting in touch with the deepest - your inner most authentic self. In this process the kundalini energy that is dormant at the base of the spine is awakened through a process of life force energy transmission from the crown energy center/chakra allowing your kundalini energy to awaken from the root energy center/chakra. You may experience many somatic releases in this process as you expand and feel the kundalini energy rising.

Class Expectation: In the class you will be lying down as I work with your energy centres whether it's somatic releases or allowing you to receive or release this energy you simply surrender to the present moment as you listen to the music and sway with the tunes allowing whatever that comes through to pass through.

What it is in a nutshell: This is a life force energy transmission that assits you with your own kundalini awakening and also allows somatic releases. You may also experience light language activation which is your body's innate ability to heal itself.

Kundalini Awakening Experiences: When it comes to experiences you will feel jolts and shocks or tremors. You may also feel emotions that comes through such as anger screams, laughter or joy. Sometimes you might have a very strong visual experience depending on how deep your third eye is activated and how well you connect with the other realms of the universe. The beauty is not what happens in the class. The beauty is always what happens after the class. The magic unfolds as you see beautiful things come into your life - Things that come to you because you are vibrating at a higher frequency and this change is what creates and rebirths everything that you know of.

What can the life force energy transmission bring you?

Healing- Somatic releases do happen in my sessions quite often. Although it is not a medical procedure, my students have reported years of deep healing taking place in a few classes.

Shift in relationship dynamics- Either you will disconnect with a someone that is not a match for you or your connection between your loved ones grow stronger.

Workplace changes- Many of my students have experienced change in job environments and manifested better opportunities.

Alignment- Getting clarity on your true purpose and making better and bolder decisions.

Courage- Cannot stress the boldness that you feel as this energy guides you to the right direction.

Consciousness Expansion & Awareness- At the heart of this work is this. Being aware- deeply aware- of your thoughts, actions and behavious, making consious choices and no longer blinded to the matrix.

Manifestation- This energy is quite potent so be careful what you are manifesting through your emotions. Manifesting with kundalini energy is one of the most unique experienes you will experience. I will go deep on this as you build momentum and do more classes.*

What it is not: Awakening your kundalini is not about movement. It is about allowing the changes in your life that happen after the session and embracing the energetic shifts. It is about allowing the universe to guide your current period of ‘stuckness’ to a path of alignment, fulfilment, higher purpose with richer relationships, attracting more freedom and abundance in every sector of your life.

This class is open to all except people with psychosis or mania or teenagers below 18 years or pregnant women in their third trimester.

Preparation tips:

Avoid alcohol, drugs, on the day of the class. Juice or eat fruits 1-2 hours before the class. You may do water fasting. Avoid all other food. Meditate or do simple breathwork before the class.

Integration tips email will be sent after the class.

5 class pack for the committed ones: If you are interested in a discounted 5-class pack which I highly recommend especially if you are already familiar with kundalini energy then you may purchase it through this link. I recommend a consistent practice of doing the classes. Your expections from the classes is to learn the art of surrendering and applying it to everything in life as you watch the universe bringing you what works best for you as you slowly learn this beautiful dance of surrendering and allowing things to come to you instead of forcing, wishing, wanting or chasing. You also learn how to adopt a holistic life though many integration tips and how to navigate challenges by braving and being calm in the storm.

Please read the waiver before proceeding to purchase the ticket and by purchasing the ticket you agree that you have read the waiver that is linked here.

Growth is the only constant. Change is inevitable. If you are not growing, you are not experiencing what is possible with something as simple as an energetic shift.

About your facilitator, Radia : Helped over 100+ students in Toronto. Hosted 40+ classes in Toronto, Costa Rica, Barbados and Tulum. 13+ years of spiritual journey with an indepth understanding of Dr. Joe Dispenza's work on neuroscience and quantum physics. Certified Kundalini Activation Facilitator. Graduate of Proctor Gallagher Institute.

Radia facilitates life force energy transmission or kundalini activation or awakening sessions and light language transmission. You may experience your own light language being activated through the energy transmissions.



From energy researchers, psychotherapists, healers, to entrepreneurs you can hear what the community have to say here.

Find out more on special events, private sessions, and regular classes here. Come join the community experience and embrace this sacred journey of change with me.

Frequently asked questions

Is this energy safe?

Yes, It's your pure life force energy that exists within the cosmos and within yourself. Although it lies very dormant within you, as a facilitator I am holding the space to either activate or facilitate a deeper awakening so that you are more connected to your energetic bodies.

Will I be experiencing side effects?

The only side effects is a process of purging energies that no longer serve you. This comes up in many forms. High energy or fatigue. Just like running a marathon and feeling cramps after you will feel the after effects of your awakening. You may also experience change in appetite.

I am scared can you ease me through the process?

As a facilitator I hold space for you even after the class. You can email me to explain or ask me more questions. The energy only gives you what you can handle and never more or less. If something intense comes up for you this means you have the strength to process it. Believe in your strength.

What are the biggest challenges in the class?

The Ego. The ego is your auto mechanism preventing you to elevate or experience change. Often times it will distract you through a busy mind, judgement or distrust. If this shows up for you understand that it is only a paradigm that is stopping you from growth and expansion. Understand & let go.

What should I do to better surrender?

Be an observer not the participant. Observe and watch your thoughts and do not react to your ego. Keep surrendering. Allow the changes, allow the energy transmission. Allow what is coming up for you and accept the change however messy or blissful it can be.

Do you do private sessions?

Yes, I do them online and in-person. Please look up https://www.kapbyradia.com/privatesessions