LISPOP Workshop on Reproducible Research: R and GitHub

LISPOP Workshop on Reproducible Research: R and GitHub

This course will introduce participants to the use of GitHub.

Date and time

Friday, February 24, 2023 · 6am - 2pm PST



Refund Policy

Contact the organizer to request a refund.

About this event


This course will introduce participants to the use of GitHub as a tool for encouraging collaboration, archiving, knowledge mobilization and reproducibility. Topics for the course will include:

  • Repository creation
  • linking repositories with RStudio projects
  • tracking, committing and pushing changes
  • branch creation and merging, particularly to facilitate collaboration
  • conflict resolution after merge

Instructor Biography

Rachael Lam is a graduate in Human-Centred Data Science at the University of Toronto with a bachelor’s in Africana studies from the Claremont Colleges in California. This combination has balanced her work in critical race theory and an understanding of how structural inequalities affect all stages of the data life cycle. She’s passionate about reflecting on the socio-cultural implications of data and how to better represent historically and systemically marginalized communities. Rachael’s worked in several small startups, including the travel-tech and art industries, and has recently co-founded a Japanese learning language app that focuses on immersion methodologies. She is a certified Carpentries instructor and has taught several workshops in Unix Shell, Git and Github.

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