Listening beyond 11 seconds - reclaim your superpower

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Listening beyond 11 seconds - reclaim your superpower

Experience a different kind of listening. *Come prepared to participate and be seen and heard*. For newcomers to the 'Thinking Environment'.

By Hazel Morley, Think Smart Training & Coaching

Select date and time




10:00 AM

Introductions to the group and the Thinking Environment

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Creating an inclusive thinking space - time in breakout rooms

11:00 AM

Q& A, reflections - where can you use this?

11:30 AM

Close with appreciations

About this event

Please note: This is a participative workshop, not a PowerPoint webinar. Read the FAQs for information about timing. Thank you.

Are you looking for:

  • A radically different way to help others and/or yourself thrive in life, at work and in relationships?
  • A new paradigm to lead your team as you navigate these uncertain and unstable times?
  • Some fresh ideas for creating positive change, fostering collaboration, and inspiring inclusion?

Then read on.

Did you know the average amount of time we get to speak before we are interrupted is 11 seconds?

We take more time to pee than we do to listen to someone else..!

Think about it:

  • When was the last time someone really listened to you, with 100% of their attention, i.e. without being distracted or without interrupting you?
  • When was the last time you listened to someone without interrupting them to insert your advice, derail the conversation, or tell them how best to fix their problem?

What would change if we knew we weren't going to be interrupted?

How might the quality of our thinking and decision-making improve if we were given time and encouragement to think for ourselves?

What if the way we listened to others ignited their freshest, independent thinking?

Join us as we create an easeful and energetic thinking space, together, with one promise and 4 game-changing behaviours.

You will discover through practical experience:

  • the power of having uninterrupted, unhurried attention and time to think for yourself, on a topic of your choice.
  • how to create a safe, confidential, and inclusive thinking space for others, anytime.
  • simple ways to ensure people feel seen, heard, and appreciated.

Take what you learn in this session and immediately use it, with anyone, anywhere, anytime.

This session offers a preview of Nancy Kline's Thinking Environment - behaviours, principles and practices that produce independent thinking in organisations, teams and lives, transforming results and relationships.

You will leave with a taste of how to enable people to think well in your presence – how to create a ‘Thinking Environment® 1:1 or in groups, and an understanding of why it matters.

Frequently asked questions

Does it matter if I can't make it for the start?

Yes. I won't be able to let you in after 5 mins past the start time as I am both hosting and facilitating.

Can I sign up even if I can't stay for the 90 min duration?

Places are limited and we will work together as a group and in pairs, so please only sign up if you are able to stay for the scheduled time. We want to create a safe, confidential and uninterrupted space while thinking and learning. Please contact me or check out other dates, thank you.

Organized by

Your mind is designed to think for itself. To thrive in any area of your life, including your relationships, you need to be able to think well, as yourself, for yourself.

Most people are not thinking independently, not least because those around them are quick to direct, fix, advise, derail and interrupt.

Don't be like 'most people'. My events are designed for you to:

  • experience what it's like to be in a safe, confidential and encouraging space where you get to decide what you think, feel and want to say.
  • create the conditions so that someone else can think well in your presence
  • learn why independent thinking matters to improve the quality of your relationships and results.
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