Traits of a Successful menschForce Member Consultant

Maya Kannan, A Futuristic Entrepreneur, and a Venture Architect will talk about Success strategies for menschForce member consultants

By Maya Kannan

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Traits of a Successful menschForce member Consultant

A Weekly Live Podcast by Maya Kannan


About: Maya Suresh Kannan, is an Entrepreneur, a Venture Capitalist, a Geoeconomic Architect, and a Life Strategist.







Through this Weekly Live Podcast, Maya Kannan discusses various traits of being an self-employed menschforce member consultant/worker. Nowadays, the gap between being an entrepreneur and being self-employed is decreasing due to the nature of trade and business. Being an independent member consultant is a unique quality that requires certain skills. One can acquire these skills through knowledge, information, self-discipline, and practicing certain skills and discipline over time.

In this podcast, Maya Kannan specifically wants to talk about one of the most important things people are looking for, which is how to survive the catastrophes ahead. Over the past few decades, the world has been funded by a lot of cheap money, which helped to build the so-called middle class. However, this is slowly going away because the availability of cheap money is gone, and the uneven funding of companies with excessive money paid to businesses to drive competition away is gone too. Moreover, the so-called super-specialization areas are coming down as well, which means that people are becoming more and more generalists rather than specialists. That finally means, more Traditional Jobs lost. Career is taking a new direction and menschForce is at a perfec spot for Success!!

More and more people are going to feel the heat of complex economic structures and the effect of AI, and they are already feeling the heat in terms of not being able to keep up with the pace of the economics around them, the cost of living, and the amount of bills that they need to pay. The regular paycheck is not going to fund it anymore, no matter how much the government can come to give the bridge the gap in the name of social money infusion techniques, it just isn't going to work.

This is the time when people need to start looking forward to focusing on being an entrepreneur and self-employed if they are serious about pulling themselves together to move forward in life. Maya Kannan is a serial entrepreneur with three decades of creating businesses and has created Venture Promotion Hub, which has created highly successful Start-Ups. One unique organization is The true world’s only marketplace for self-employed people. Going for a job or going to a factory is a new concept compared to the existence of human civilization. The basic thing humans always learn to do is to develop some skills to produce certain goods and services to sell to other people, and that's where entrepreneurship and self-employment come in. Marketplaces like are a true alternative to monolithic cloud rental systems like Amazon. Entrepreneurs should learn to bail them out from such captive systems and start developing and aligning with decentralized and accommodative market systems and work to create such collaborative systems.

Maya Kannan has put together this Live Podcast, a kind of live seminar, to help share his experience, expertise, and knowledge to help people pull themselves together because taking the first steps to become a self-employed/independent member consultant is always tough. In this seminar, he will discuss the traits of self-employment, how to survive the new economic changes around the world, and what are the things that you would need to adapt yourself to. The basic skills that he is going to be discussed in the seminar will be how to pull yourself together and take the first steps. Maya Kannan would like to be a mentor to you guys as much as possible.

De-globalization added fuel to this in recent years as nations started creating vertical walls around themselves. The outlook on Self-Employed is changing around the world as more nations look inward. So, traditional easy-go migration is not going to work in most cases. Just showing talent or even capital is not good enough. The nations are looking for consultants who can help in larger economic impact and transformation by generating Intrinsic value from which the nation and its stakeholders shall benefit.

This seminar will be a good eye-opener and a path-finder for those who are looking to take their Business, personal skills, and expertise to a country or an economic region without having to deal with the nightmare of Complex Immigration Processes. Being a Venture Promoter and an Investor practicing DeepTech Geo-economics, Maya Kannan finds the hidden barrier to global business success, especially the StartUp development is the migration of consultants and Key team members. With this seminar and subsequent engagements, he shall help the menschForce member Consultants to create a Value-Based Case for their Practice Area and self-migration that not only satisfies the need of the immigration programs but also guarantees the actual business practice success beyond immigration.

Some of the Agenda:

1. It's not about competition, it's about differentiation. Collaborate with fellow members on Practice Groups.

2.Skills Building and Talent Matching - How to work with Talent Commitee and Support Group and build Qualification Matrix.

  1. Go where you are welcome the most! Do not compromise!! -- Work with Immigration Committee and Work Group.

4. How to overcome the Challenges of Global Migration. -- How the Immigration/ Project Committeess and Work Groups can Help.

5. How to Pick the right Projects and Bid in the menschForce Marketplace.

Work with Project and Talent Mangement Committees and Work Groups.

  1. Q/As.- Moderated by Savithri Sankar. -- Bring your questions, get answered by the Lawyers from Immigration and Projects Committees. Some of the questions may be answered directly by Maya Kannan himself. Please ensure to ask questions with respect to the topics covered. Other questions may not be answered during the seminar.

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