TTT - Tuesday's Think Tank (Klubi i së Martës)

TTT - Tuesday's Think Tank (Klubi i së Martës)

Klubi i Profesionistëve zhvillohet të Martën e 3 të cdo muaji. TTT ka për qëllim promovimin e eksperiencave dhe njohurive në jetë. Ju duam!

By Albanian NextGen Professionals in GTA


123 Edward St

123 Edward Street Toronto, ON M5G 0A8 Canada

Refund Policy

Contact the organizer to request a refund.
Eventbrite's fee is nonrefundable.


6:00 PM - 6:30 PM

Ice Breaker Activity

Participants will introduce themselves and engage in a quick icebreaker game to create a welcoming atmosphere.

6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Guest Speaker Session

Experienced professionals will share insights from their careers, providing valuable perspectives for the attendees.

7:30 PM - 8:10 PM

Panel Discussion for the monthly topic

The topic for the Month of June is "How to prepare a Financial Planning in your Jobs and Business," will be explored through a panel discussion, allowing for interactive dialogue and knowledge shari...

8:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Networking and Refreshments

Attendees will have the opportunity to network while enjoying artisanal food and beverages, fostering connections and a convivial atmosphere.

8:15 PM - 8:30 PM

Trivia-Quiz Game: "Me i shkathti, Me i shpejti" (The Smartest, The Fastest)

In the very end, will be a lively trivia-quiz game, fostering friendly competition and engagement among participants. There will be 4 winners, and 4 gifts/awards for each of them.

About this event

Welcome to the Albanian Youth - Next Gen Team event!

  • Date: 18 June 2024 (TTT is every 3rd Tuesday of each month)
  • Topic for the month of June: Why and how to prepare a Financial Planning ?
  • Time: 18:45
  • Location: 123 Edward Street, Toronto, Downtrown Toronto, 2nd Floor (3 minutes walk from St. Patrick Subway station)
  • Interested to be a member? Please email:
  • Artisanal Handmade Food and Drinks are included. Please email in case of any allergies.
  • If questions: 647-293-2915, 437-388-8689

Albanian Youth + Illyrian Brains = Tuesday's Think Tank

The Albanian Young Professionals - Tuesday's Think Tank is an exclusive club for members of our community. This club will meet on the 3rd Tuesday of every month to provide a platform for young Albanian professionals and entrepreneurs to come together, share ideas, and promote value within their community.

The purpose of this club is to create a think tank environment where members can network, collaborate, and learn from each other. It will serve as a space for members to discuss industry trends, share best practices, and explore new business opportunities. The club will also feature guest speakers, workshops, and other activities aimed at empowering and supporting the next generation of Albanian leaders and innovators.

Eventi i TTT, i organizuar të Martën e tretë të çdo muaji, ka një format standard të ndarë në 4 pjesë dhe zgjat deri në 3 orë:

P1 - Open Mic: Audienca prezanton veten dhe ndan një mesazh që kanë menduar së fundmi dhe kanë dashur ta ndajnë me klubin e të martës. Më pas, vijon një përmbledhje video e aktivitetit të muajit të kaluar dhe kalojmë te P2.

P2 - Intervista: Intervista zgjat 12 minuta me secilin të ftuar në një sesion one-to-one, ku kanë një timer të vendosur përballë në një tabletë, të cilin duhet ta respektojnë. Gjatë kësaj kohe, kanë të drejtë të prezantojnë në PowerPoint detajet që kanë menduar për temën e muajit.

P3 - Paneli i të ftuarve: Drejtuar nga moderatori, ky panel është vetëm për diskutim të hapur Q&A nëpërmjet formatit unik që kemi krijuar për të angazhuar audiencën (35 minuta).

P4 - Trivia Game & Prize Awards: Kjo është një lojë trivia me pyetje për të testuar njohuritë mbi temën, dhe për fituesit japim gjithmonë libra apo dhurata të tjera me vlerë për dijen (15 minuta).

P5 - Networking: Në fund, kemi një sesion networking në shoqërinë e ushqimeve dhe pijeve që i përgatit ekipi ynë.

Don't miss out on this chance to connect with like-minded individuals and be a part of something bigger than yourself.

If you have not yet been here, you must join ASAP.

"I've always aspired to achieve the Canadian Dream, and Albanian Youth is providing me with the invaluable opportunity to meet experienced professionals and entrepreneurs. Their firsthand insights will guide me on this journey." - I. Shehi

By reserving your ticket, you support this community to grow!

TTT team

Frequently asked questions

What is the Albanian Youth - TTT event about?

Tuesday Think Tank is a monthly gathering designed to create a think tank environment for Albanian professionals and entrepreneurs. It provides a platform to network, collaborate, and learn from each other, discussing industry trends, sharing best practices, and exploring new business opportunities

When and where is the event held?

The event is scheduled for third Tuesday of every month at 18:00. It will take place in Toronto, Ontario. The specific venue details will be provided upon registration.

How can I become a member and attend the event?

To become a member and attend the event, please send an email to expressing your interest.

Who can attend this event?

This event is open to young Albanian professionals and entrepreneurs who are interested in networking and professional development within the Albanian community.

Are food and drinks provided?

Yes, great food and drinks are included in the event. Please email in advance if you have any dietary restrictions or allergies.

What should I expect at the event?

Attendees can expect an engaging environment with opportunities for networking, learning, and collaboration. The event will feature guest speakers, workshops, and other activities aimed at supporting the next generation of Albanian leaders and innovators.

What should I do if I have more questions?

For any additional questions, you can contact the event organizers at 647-293-2915 or 437-388-8689.

Is there a dress code for the event?

There is no specific dress code mentioned, but attendees are encouraged to dress professionally as it is a networking professionals event. If you are looking to get hired, you can grab a resume with you as well :)

Can I bring a guest?

The event is primarily for members. If you would like to bring a guest, please register them as non-member. In case they are your bestie, you can bring them in without registration, and you can register them at the registration desk on the day of the event.

What is the cancellation policy?

Please inform the organizers as soon as possible if you cannot attend after registering, to allow others the opportunity to participate.

Organized by

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