Sacred Heart Medicine and Dance Ceremony (In-person Meetup)

Sacred Heart Medicine and Dance Ceremony (In-person Meetup)

Connect with like-minded Souls and dance away stagnant energies, stress, tensions and old patterns while we elevate our Consciousness.

By Leni Pratte,

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Walnut Creek

Ygnacio Valley Road Walnut Creek, CA 94598

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About this event

  • 7 hours

PLEASE NOTE: Do not place an order in Eventbrite until after we have spoken to you. Please email and let's coordinate a brief chat.

This event is customized for groups of friends and family.

Simply be yourself in this safe, nurturing environment to connect with your authentic free Spirit and be in community with like-minded Souls.

We start with a protective ritual and prayer circle to clear the space. Then we administer heart-opening Medicine, medicinal mushroom-infused ceremonial cacao (or ginger tea) to open our hearts and get into the present moment.

We start with some gentle yoga, pranayam and grounding meditation as we get in touch with our breath and bodies, followed by movement and dance to liberate pent-up energies, tensions and stress.

This Ceremony is for:

- High Vibrational Spirits wanting to unwind through movement and dance in a safe, comfortable and supportive environment

- Beautiful Souls wishing to release old, stagnant energies that no longer serve their Highest Good

- Awakened Beings longing to connect with a highly Conscious community of like-minded humans

- Magickal Spirits interested in raising their Frequencies and the Frequencies of the planet

- Conscious Health Nuts craving to enjoy Satsang with clean, plant-based (maybe some seafood), organic meal with kindred spirits

Approximate Schedule:

1:30-2:30pm - Welcome, Opening Circle, Cacao

2:30 -4 - Movement and Dance Outdoors (weather permitting)

4-7 pm - Yoga, Pranayam, MeditationMovement and Dance Outdoors (weather permitting)

7-8:30 pm - Fire Ceremony and Satsang with clean, healthy, real food

Why are Breath and Somatic Expressions important in our healing journey?

Because it allows us to be present in the moment.

By being fully present in our own skin, it helps us to process and digest experiences more efficiently.

Guiding our bodies to release through breath, movement and vocal expressions helps us stay connected, grounded and present.

We allow ourselves to feel fully, to express fully, to be conscious and present in our living organism in its Wholeness.

Being fully present is very healing and a stress reliever.

Experience the joy and what it's like to be present fully, totally, completely.


LIMITED TO 9 INDIVIDUALS. You can submit 3 or so songs you like to dance to. Come with an open mind and an open heart and let the Medicine do the rest.

Bring yoga mat, water bottle, empty stomach.

About Leni -

Leni Pratte is a Spiritual Guide, Nonduality teacher, Trauma-informed Somatic Plant Medicine Preparation, Facilitation and Integration Guide, Breath, Meditation & Yoga Coach and Energy Healer.

Leni guides seekers and journeyers through a heart-opening and Awakening process, enabling them to experience a deep connection with their Inner Healer using various tools and modalities.

Find out more at:

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Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it ~ Rumi

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Hey, I’m Leni!

In 2007, I received my wake-up call. I was diagnosed with cancer, a period in my life that was so frightening and painful. Our kids were 9 and 3 at that time and I was determined to heal.

Ironically, this blessing in disguise launched my journey of self-healing, exponential growth and Self-discovery.

This was the catalyst that led me to reinvent myself over and over again, peel off layers and release material that no longer served me, to overcome traumas and rise above the shadows, to come home to my authentic self, to become an empty vessel, a channel for Divine expression.

Although I have completed all kinds of certifications in the healing arts, there is no greater teacher than the direct experience of trials, tragedies and tribulations, of which I am grateful for as it has provided opportunities for profound evolutionary growth, challenging me to rise above the chaos of a trauma-filled life.

In my own healing journey, experiencing different levels of Awakening, big and small, came through at different periods of my life - when I had cancer, when I had an identity crisis, when I had an autoimmune issue, when I experienced a series of traumatic events in childhood, young adulthood and in recent years.

It is with great honor and humility that I share with you wisdom and gnoses from decades of life experiences, background and training. This work is my sadhana, and your healing is my healing.

Yours in Light,


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