DesignThinkers: Speed Mentoring


Date and time

Fri, Nov 13, 2015 8:00 AM - 8:45 AM EST


Sony Centre For The Performing Arts

1 Front Street East Lunch Room Toronto, ON M5E 1B2 Canada


Get together and make some connections at DesignThinkers!

In a series of rapid 10-minute sessions, Provisional RGDs gather for mentoring advice from 3 of 6 RGDs. A selection of questions will be your starting point for discussions, covering a range of topics from portfolio presentations to pricing creative work. Get some practice on your elevator pitch, and make some connections in the process.

Speed Mentors include:
- Vanessa Eckstein RGD, co-founder & Creative Director of Blok Design, Toronto
- Bob Hambly RGD, co-founder & Creative Director of Hambly & Woolley, Toronto
- Wendy Millard RGD, Manager of Design Services at EmpireLife, Kingston
- Laura Piché RGD, Manager, Global Marketing at Red Path Mining, North Bay
- Ric Riordon RGD, Design Director, & Shirley Riordon RGD, Brand Strategist at Riordon Design, Oakville

This event is open to Students and Provisional RGDs attending Day 2 (Friday) of DesignThinkers 2015. It takes place in the Lunch Room to the left of the Exhibitor Area & Theatre.

Organized by

The Association of Registered Graphic Designers is a non-profit, professional Association that represents over 4,100 design practitioners, including firm owners, freelancers, managers, educators and students across Canada. 

Through RGD, Canadian designers exchange ideas, educate and inspire, set professional standards and build a strong, supportive community dedicated to advocating for the value of design.

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