Присъедините се за успокоение на нервната система и връзка с Корените. Под ръководство ще се потопите в силата на двигателното дишане.

By Mira Kopanarov

Date and time

Sat, Jul 6, 2024 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM EEST


Santosha Yoga

11 ulitsa "Georgi Benkovski" 1000 Sofia Bulgaria

Refund Policy

Contact the organizer to request a refund.
Eventbrite's fee is nonrefundable.

About this event

  • 2 hours

Присъединете се за единственото по рода си двигателно дишане насочено за връзка с корените. Корените като лечебен извор и връзка с вашия разгърнат потенциал.

Класът е подходящ за хора с хронични здравословни предизвикателства, емоционални травми и ежедневно психическо претоварване. Ползите от дишането се усещат на физическо и емоционално ниво, оставяйки ви заредени с енергия или с усещане за пречистване.

Научни изследвания показват, че двигателното дишане и медитативни практики намаляват стреса и допринасят за дълготрайни лечебни действия върху организма и психиката. Дълготрайно усещане за щастие и равновесие са само някои от многобройните отзиви, които хора споделят след редовна практика.


What is Breathwork:

Breathwork is an ancient modality connecting body, mind and heart. It allows people to process trapped emotions and trauma stored in the body for years.

Helps with life challenges and growth:

Stress is proven to cause numerous physical and mental disturbances and create reactivity that affects our self-esteem, relationships and overall well-being. Stressors create habitual survival mechanisms that with time may turn into harmful habits affecting our health, relationships and professional development,

Breathwork is a safe modality that helps with anxiety, stress, depression, and difficult emotions. It is a technique and an essential part of an integration or spiritual journey.

Benefits of Group Sessions:

When breathwork is experienced in a group setting, the collective energy has exponential healing capacity.


The breathwork session lasts 1.5-2h and consists of meditation, dance and active breathing, closing with integration techniques, including art, sharing circle and individual reflections.

Breathing is our most sacred medicine and connection with life. It is the gift from Creation that we take first and leave last with our Earthly journey. In Part 2, we will work with themes that have come up for the group and your unique challenges and how to overcome, embrace and widen the awareness.

Please note tickets are non-refundable, and changes in schedule may happen; you are able to use the credit for any future classes and retreats. Parts 1 and 2 of the experience could be attended individually and are not connected but are recommended as a sequence to start building your practice.

Mira Kopanarov

mirastoryteller.ca | breathefeelheal.org

Social @mira_storyteller

Мира Копанаров е специалист по холистични комуникации, използвайки лечебната сила на двигателното дишане, изкуството, и медитацията в подкрепа на хора и общности, страдащи от различни травми и burn out ефект. Мира живее в Торонто, Канада от 17 години, със сина и партньора си.


Mira is a Bulgarian-Canadian storyteller and holistic communications specialist. She brings more than two decades of focused perspective from the business world to her transformative work. Having navigated a personal burnout journey five years ago, Mira created a therapeutic practice to include the transformative power of breathwork, mindfulness, and art, and a nurturing environment for individuals and communities grappling with the challenges of “the burnout economy” and trauma.

In her compassionate approach, Mira uses guided breathwork coaching, mindfulness and storytelling to carefully unpack the pervasive issues stemming from the burnout epidemic and wide-spread and standardized suppression of trauma, including anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue and pain, imposter complex, and a dearth of self-love and compassion. Her unique journey not only equips her with first-hand understanding but ignites her commitment to holding a safe space for those in need of integration and healing.

Mira offers individual, groups sessions, and reconnection retreats in off-grid setting in Canada and internationally.

She has an HBA in Communications Studies, and is a student of Stanislav Grof, Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield, and a certified Elemental Rhythm Breathwork facilitator.

Какво да донесете:

  • Йога постелка или постелка с достатъчно мекота, на която може да лежите спокойно за повече от 1 час. В студиото има допълнителни.
  • Маска за очи
  • Одеяло
  • Опция за малка възглавница
  • Шишенце с вода

Как да се подготвите:

  • избягвайте месо, захар, алкохол, пикантна или тежка за храносмилане храна, наркотици и цигари поне 3 дена преди преживяването
  • прекарайите време сред природата
  • избягвайте технологии в деня на събитието
  • избягвайте конфликти
  • помислете си за намеренията


Mira will guide you with light and compassion through your breathwork experience, sharing mindful stories and techniques that will help you in your daily lives.

What you need to bring:

  • reusable water bottle
  • yoga mat
  • blanket
  • eye mask
  • small pillow
  • dress comfortable

How to prepare:

  • please avoid meat, sugar, alcohol, spicy and heavy foods, drugs, and smoking at least 3 days prior
  • spend time in nature the day of the event, or day before
  • avoid technology day of event
  • avoid arguments and conflicts
  • set up intentions

Please note this group class is a safe place where judgment, hate or discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated.

Organized by