Foreign Interference Risks for Canadian Businesses

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Foreign Interference Risks for Canadian Businesses

Briefing with the Canadian Security Intelligence Services (CSIS)

By Canadian Chamber of Commerce

Date and time

Thu, Jul 16, 2020 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM PDT



About this event

Canadian companies need to remain competitive to both sustain our domestic capacity to produce innovative products and be a leader in global supply chains. However, in a competitive global environment, significant risks exist for Canadian companies as countries with hostile intents seek to undermine Canada’s economy security. Although espionage and foreign interference are not new, the global pandemic has changed the dynamics of the threat environment. Canadian companies are adapting to the new normal by increasing innovative research and development, relying on remote working arrangements, and expanding international collaboration. These changes have introduced‎ opportunities that hostile actors, including foreign governments, are exploiting.

The Canadian Security Intelligence Service will provide a briefing on the foreign interference risks for Canadian companies and ways to mitigate those challenges. The briefing will be led by the CSIS economic security division on July 16, 11am ET; there will also be an opportunity for Q&A with participants.

Organized by

The Canadian Chamber of Commerce is Canada’s largest and most activated business network — representing over 400 chambers of commerce and boards of trade and more than 200,000 business of all sizes, from all sectors of the economy and from every part of the country — to create the conditions for our collective success. The Canadian Chamber of Commerce is the undisputed champion and catalyst for the future of business success. From working with government on economy-friendly policy to providing services that inform commerce and enable trade, we give each of our members more of what they need to succeed: insight into markets, competitors and trends, influence over the decisions and policies that drive business success and impact on business and economic performance.

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