FREE One-Hour Virtual Executive Coaching

FREE One-Hour Virtual Executive Coaching


By Mac Donald Consultancy



About this event

    Mac Donald Consultancy offers one-to-one virtual executive coaching sessions providing you with the tools and insights to make better leadership decisions and become a more confident leader. You explore and understand how to avoid disempowering pitfalls of your leadership and management style. In addition, reflect on your experiences, empowerment and challenges with staff to enhance your leadership capabilities.

    Our integrated approach and personalized development ensure you acquire the tools you need to get the right things done and increase your impact as a leader. Our one-to-one virtual executive coaching sessions provide a personal and safe space to address everyday leadership and management challenges.

    You can connect from anywhere worldwide to your personal one-to-one Zoom session. You can start with a free one-hour virtual Executive Coaching session that best fits your schedule. We help you to reflect on your leadership style and be at your side to support you in dealing with your challenges.

    Book and schedule your free one-hour virtual Executive Coaching session with our subscribe link:

    When would you like to start?

    “The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.”

    Who will coach you?

    Floyd Mac Donald is the Founder & Principal at Mac Donald Consultancy and has personally handled quite a few high-profile projects. In a lot of them as an executive coach or both as project manager and as a change management consultant.

    Organized by

    Mac Donald Consultancy operates as a boutique business & educational consulting company since 1995. Helping businesses, organizations, leaders, managers and teams with a fully accountable integrated & multi-perspective approach and integrated service offering is our passion. All things considered, the success of any company, business and organization is a direct reflection of the success of its people.

    For more information about our Terms, Conditions & Cancellation policy please visit our website: