Summer Camp 8am-6pm| Ages 4 to 12

Join us for a fun-filled camp experience for kids ages 4 to 12, packed with art, crafts, and games!

By Artventures

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Artventures Oakville

2393 Lakeshore Rd. W. 201 Oakville, ON L6L 1H5 Canada

Refund Policy

No Refunds

About this event

Welcome to Artventures Art Camp at Artventures Oakville! Get ready for a fun-filled in-person event where kids aged 4 to 12 can unleash their creativity and imagination through various art activities. They'll learn to throw pottery on the wheel, handbuild, paint, do mosaics and more!

Our experienced instructors will guide campers through exciting projects that will inspire and entertain. Join us for a week of artistic adventures, new friendships, and unforgettable memories. Let your child's inner artist shine at our Art Camp!

Frequently asked questions

What ages are included in camp?

Our camp is suitable for ages 4-12.

What is the schedule?

Full day: 9am-3pm, lunch at 12. Mornings half day: 9am-12pm. Afternoons half day: 1pm-4pm Extended hours are available for additional fee

Are there options for extended care?

Yes, from 8am-9am, 3pm to 4pm, 3pm-5pm, or 3pm-6pm. Please pack an extra snack and breakfast for the am. This extra hour is a supervised quiet time for parents who need to pi

What will students do at camp?

Each day has different art projects which may be painting, sculpture, crafting, or drawing. A full day of camp typically means students will make 2-3 projects.

What to bring?

Please bring 1-2 nut-free snacks and a labelled water bottle. Food and beverages are not included. Full day students need to have a packed lunch.

What not to bring

Please do not pack toys, stuffed animals, iPads, or pets. These are all very distracting to other students and may get paint on them. If your child has a cell phone, please let them know it is not permitted to be used during camp time and needs to be kept away.

What to wear?

Dress for mess! Acrylic paint does not come out of clothes, especially once dry. We cannot guarantee that clay or other art materials will come out of clothes. Students should always come to the studio dressed for mess.

Anything else I need to do before camp?

Yes, parents/guardians please discuss the following before student(s) arrive to class. To prepare, it is important for kids to know to take their time, go slow and enjoy the process with their creations.

What if my child is disruptive?

Please note disrespectful and disruptive behaviour will not be tolerated. In the event of misconduct, parents will be called to pick up their child immediately. No refunds or credits for missed time in the event a parent needs to be called if a child is not able continue with the class

What if my child’s clay breaks or explodes in the kiln?

This can occasionally happen, as clay can be delicate and fragile before it is fired. We don’t offer refunds or remakes for damaged clay but we promise we treat each piece like it is a masterpiece.

Are any of the art materials or tools toxic or dangerous?

No, all materials are 100% non-toxic. Our team works hard to ensure the studio is safe and the students are behaving in a safe and respectful way.

When do we take home the artwork?

Paintings, oven-bake clay and print projects will be ready for pickup 2 days after they are made. Earthenware clay is typically dried and fired within 3-4 weeks.

My child has been to camp before, are the projects the same?

We offer new projects each day so our returning students have an experience that will continue to ignite their passion for art. Our program offers a diverse and ever-changing curriculum that keeps students engaged and inspired. From collecting badges to exploring art history through the artist's len

My child is new to camps, are the projects hard?

Our programs do not require any special skills or prerequisites to join. The teacher’s step-by-step instructions are easy to follow and make learning FUN! Learning becomes an enchanting adventure filled with laughter, joy, and a sprinkle of magic. We're here to make your camper’s journey into the wo

Do you have any off-site trips or excursions?

For the safety and security of our students, we do not leave the premises. This means you don’t have to worry about sunscreen, sun burns, bee stings, or heat stroke.

Can I stay while my child settles in?

Camp is drop-off only, absolutely no exceptions please. Students must be able to enter the classroom by themselves. For students who are not able to settle there is no credit or refund.

Are there protocols in place for illness prevention, hygiene, and sanitization?

Students wash hands frequently, including before eating. The art studio is thoroughly sanitized at the end of every day, as well as throughout the day between activities. We do not permit students who are visibly ill to attend and ask that parents keep students home when they are sick.

What if my child will miss a class/day of camp?

There are no catch up classes for camps and pa/pd day workshops. We do not offer refunds or credits for missed days, including for illness or behaviour issues.

What if we are late?

If you know you’ll be late please advise the studio ASAP.

Can I bring home materials for someone who misses camp?

No. We do not offer this option.

What is the refund policy in case of cancellation or withdrawal?

Please note there are no refunds or credits offered if your child needs to be picked up early for any reason, including illness and behaviour issues. No refunds or credits for missed time in the event a parent needs to be called if a child is not able continue with the class either partially or perm

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