Full  Moon Healing Circle June 19th, 2024

Full Moon Healing Circle June 19th, 2024

Join other covid-conscious women in this virtual circle for a relaxing guided journey with live Indigenous sound and energy healing.

By Medicine Song Woman Creations

Date and time

Wed, Jun 19, 2024 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM PDT



Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event
Eventbrite's fee is nonrefundable.


Intro & Smudge

Brenda will do a traditional Indigenous introduction and Land Acknowledgement, and invite you to introduce yourself in the chat.

Welcome Song

We will start circle in a good way with a Welcome song, which is like an opening prayer or invocation.

Overview & Preparation for Our Journey

When empathic, compassionate women come together, we don't want to take on each other's emotions or energies. We need to be present in our bodies, open to receiving support directly from Spirit, and ...

Medicine Song Healing Journey

Indigenous sound healing with a meditative journey, energy healing and spiritual guidance. Brenda will birth (channel) and sing healing songs, while sharing messages from the Ancestors.

Travelling Song

We begin with a Welcome Song and we end with a Travelling Song, with gratitude for ourselves, each other and what I like to call our "Higher Realms Support Teams" - whatever that means for you.

Sharing Circle

After the journey and Travelling Song, we will turn off the recording for your privacy, so you can share what's on your heart. Sharing in my circles is always optional.

About this event

  • 1 hour 30 minutes

Join Our Virtual Full Moon Healing Circle!

Craving covid-conscious community? Feeling like you can’t turn off the adrenalin or all the chaotic energies to get a good sleep?

We’ve got you.

Join us for an enchanting evening of healing and connection in our virtual Full Moon Healing Circle.

When you put these 4 elements together, out comes the healing, relief and relaxation…

  1. Indigenous Medicine Songs (performed live)
  2. The Full Moon
  3. Water
  4. COVID-Conscious Women

The sisterhood and connection flow like a river and create a ripple effect of love that reaches out to our loved ones and Mother Earth.

Whether you're seeking emotional healing, spiritual growth, or simply a moment of tranquility, this circle is open to all covid-conscious women and non-binary people of all backgrounds.

Together, we will create a sacred space where you can release what no longer serves you and invite positive energy into your life.

Date: Wednesday June 19th, 2024

Time: 7:00 PM EDT

Location: Zoom (Join from the comfort of your own home and no need to put your camera on)

Don't miss this opportunity to connect with other covid-aware women and allow Grandmother Moon to support you. Reserve your spot now and get ready to embark on a journey of healing and self-discovery.

Here’s what people are getting out of these healing circles:

“I am grateful for your sounds. I always enjoy hearing your voice or instruments and in a state of relaxa-tion by the end!”

– Melanie Cornacchia

“I feel so much better after your circles. You have a way of bringing us back and centering…grounding us.“

– Donna L Mattias

Sometimes we just need to slow down, fully relax and be present in this mad world. This is one way to open the inner door to help your spirit connect with you, so you can expand and express all of who you really are. While we move through the unsettling reality we are living in, come to circle to melt away the tension, relieve pain and just plain relax.

If you miss out or just want to re-listen, you will get the replay.

Y ou will get a chance to share what's on your heart (optional), in an unrecorded sharing circle at the end.

Join us to tap into the energies of the Full Moon and Water, as my women Ancestors have been doing since time immemorial.

Reserve your seat and I’ll see you in our virtual circle,

Brenda, Medicine Song Woman

Frequently asked questions

Do I have to be Indigenous to join?

Nope. These circles are open to ALL covid-conscious women, non-binary and 2-Spirit folx.

What is covid-conscious?

You are actively assessing your risk of catching and spreading COVID-19. You use mitigations like masking, air filtration, ventilation and avoiding or being cautious at large indoor gatherings. You watch for science and data updates to help you make decisions.

What if spirituality is new to me or I'm just not spiritual at all?

You can be deeply spiritual, not at all spiritual or anywhere in between and enjoy this circle. It is designed for, and open to, covid-conscious women of any and all spiritual or non-spiritual backgrounds.

Organized by

Brenda MacIntyre of Medicine Song Woman Creations facilitates inclusive virtual women's circles for covid-conscious women of all backgrounds. Her circles and virtual retreats help covid-conscious women to experience self-care, connection, mindfulness practices and sisterhood. All circles include live healing music and Indigenous ceremony. These events offer a respite from cognitive dissonance and some relief from grief, trauma, loneliness, isolation and chronic pain.
