Igniting Conversations

Igniting Conversations

We know you're burning with questions.


Date and time

Thu, Nov 19, 2020 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM PST



About this event

IGNITE is excited to announce Igniting Conversations, a new series of events that will be starting this month. It will be your chance to share your campus experiences and ask questions around the selected topic of each month.

Each Igniting Conversations event will be guided by an IGNITE board member and a student engagement coordinator, but it’s your opportunity to discuss anything relating to that month’s theme.

We’re here to answer your campus related questions and help you resolve any issues you might be having!

So what conversations are we ready to ignite?

This third episode of Igniting Conversations will focus on the LBGTQ2S+ community at Humber and Guelph-Humber.

And don’t worry, we’ll have a whole new set of themes for the winter semester!

What are you waiting for?

Whether you have some questions in mind or you just want to chat, join us in creating some meaningful conversations!

When is it?

Our third Igniting Conversations event is on Thursday, Dec. 10 from 10 - 11 AM.

What’s in it for me?

• Free event admission

• A discussion lead by IGNITE on the month’s specific focus

• A chance to ask questions and share your on-campus experiences

Where can I sign up?

Register here for free, and you’ll be emailed the Microsoft Teams link to join!

Organized by

You are a force to be reckoned with. Destined for greatness. And IGNITE exists solely as the catalyst to unleash your potential on the world. Helping you create and shape the life you aspire to.

Led by Humber and Guelph-Humber students, we’re here to amplify your voice. From clubs, events and services you need and depend on, to supporting you in your quest for greatness. We create room for ideas, conversations and connections.

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