JCYLV Retreat

JCYLV Retreat

By Kikiai Collaborative

Date and time

Sat, Jun 11, 2016 12:00 PM - Sun, Jun 12, 2016 3:00 PM PDT


Vancouver Japanese Language School

487 Alexander Street Unceded Coast Salish Territories Vancouver, BC Canada


The Japanese Canadian Young Leaders of Vancouver (JCYLV) are hosting a visioning retreat for June 11-12, 2016.

We invite you to join us as we strengthen our relationships to one another and our group through two days of workshops, food, and fun. This will be an opportunity to think about the future of JCYLV together in the larger scope of the Japanese Canadian community.

We hope to explore questions such as: What are we doing for the community right now? What do we want to be doing in the community? How can we make these things happen?

Weekend activities will include icebreakers, workshops, cooking dinner and an evening social, and an optional sleepover. We will have two workshops on topics related to team-building, group development, and working through an anti-oppressive lens.

This retreat is for current and new members of the group. We encourage young people from around the Vancouver area who are interested in getting involved in to join us, meet our members, and contribute to our group dialogues!

Please email any questions to us at jcylvancouver@gmail.com

Poster designed by Danielle Jette

We thank the Greater Vancouver Japanese Canadian Citizens Assocation, PeerNetBC, and the Vancouver Japanese Language School for their support for this event.

Proposed schedule

Saturday June 11

12pm - Sign in at VJLS board room (2nd floor)
12:30 - 1:30pm - Icebreaker, snacks, meet + greet
1:30 - 4:30pm - Visioning workshop, facilitated by vanessa from PeerNetBC
4:30 - 5:30pm - Beers + cooking dinner
5:30-7:30 - Dinner on the roof!
9:00pm onwards - Social and sleepover

Sunday June 12

9:30am - Breakfast (VJLS kitchen)
10:30 - 2:00pm - Team-building and Anti-Oppression workshop, facilitated by vanessa // Light lunch
2:00 - 2:30pm - Group check out
2:30pm - Clean up and goodbyes!

* We will email all participants a schedule once confirmed!

Organized by

Formerly known as Japanese Canadian Young Leaders of Vancouver, the Kikiai Collaborative is a group of young-ish Japanese Canadian/Nikkei folks and allies. 

Kikiai (聴き合い) is a Japanese word meaning “listening to each other”. We feel like this word represents our group’s philosophy of coming together, mutually supporting, and listening to one another as equals, while also giving a nod to our Japanese Canadian heritage and community relationships. Individually, we play many roles in our community. As a group, we collaborate on many diverse projects and events in our community (cultural, sport, arts, and politics, among others.)

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