*Kitsilano* Soulect Women's Circle

We gather in a warm, safe space to open our hearts, share from our center, and connect deeply to others as they do the same.

By Soulect | Conscious Circles for Personal Growth

Select date and time

Tue, Jun 18, 2024 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM PDT


Private home. Address will be shared with attendees right before event.

V6J 3L1 Vancouver, BC V6J 3L1 Canada

Refund Policy

No Refunds

About this event

Vibrant soulful women,

Gather with us for heart to heart, nourishing connections.

In this Circle, we will come together in a warm, safe, sacred space to open up our hearts, share from our center, and listen deeply to others as they do the same. It is the experience of true connection. First to self, then to other.

Over the years of hosting Circles, both as recurring weekly programs (private Circles), and as open Circles, like this one, it has become a warm blessing to create the safety that nurtures authenticity, openness, and transparency of the heart

It's what naturally occurs when people lovingly gather for the purpose of true connection and authentic expression.

Following our intuition for each Circle, we may alter the agenda, but this is what to expect:

* Ground and connect to self (opening meditation)

* Setting the foundation for safety and confidentiality

* Deepening introductions

* Shares (within a nurturing structure, shared in Circle)

* Intention setting

* Love and appreciation (closing meditation)

For those who feel called to do deeper inner work in a recurring private Circle, there may be an opportunity to learn about private Soulect Circles that run for 3 months per area of life, with a focus on bringing consciousness, healing, and design to that area, and actualizing it with the support and accountability of your own Circle, who become your sisters.

Who these open Circles are for

Self-aware, heart-centered women who take ownership for their lives, choose gentle compassion over judgement, value inner-expansion and growth, choose to live and create consciously, and value being open-hearted and revealing their true self.

Important notes

(1) It is a truly sacred space we are sharing. Late arrivals / early departures feel distruptive to the beautiful, safe space we share. We ask that you select a date you know you will be on time and present for the entire Circle, start to finish. Also know, it is possible for the Circle to run a few minutes over time. While we honor time and structure, we also honor the natural unfolding of Circle and allow flexibility for what is important when it arises.

(2) In the same light, we invite you to use the restroom before and/or after the Circle, not during, if you can. Disruptions can be hurtful to the person tenderly opening up their heart. What women are courageously sharing calls for our presence. If it is an emergency, try to use the restroom in-between shares (not in the middle of a woman's share).

(3) No electronics are allowed in sight or sound during the duration of the Circle. Please be prepared to turn it all off before you enter the Circle.

(4) Tickets are not transferable to different dates. Please ensure you can attend the Circle for the date you purchased a ticket for.

What to bring

Your own radiant, honest, openhearted self, and a drink to keep you hydrated, if you wish.

Your sister hosts

We founded and built Soulect together, but we no longer run Soulect together (Sara's path unfolded in a different exciting ride), but we're *almost* always both in Circle.

Our story is long, like every good story, but here's a slice of it:

We (Parisa and Sara) have kinda always had a close sister-bond and shared everything with each other; grief, joy, pain, insecurities, victories, fears within the human experience, and whatever else in between.

When we first felt the calling to host these gatherings, however, we were lonely on the conscious path and felt deprived of true, real, connection outside of our own sisterhood.

We felt a bit drained from the surface-level connections we were having daily, and tired of relating to people from the polite masks we all thought we had to wear. We wanted to be raw and open-hearted, and to authentically and deeply connect with people (not only with each other).

2019 was the first time we hosted a soulful event, which was the beginning of us starting a conscious community for intentional living (www.soulect.co).

It’s astonishing to us to look back and acknowledge that deep, connected and nourishing relationships are the essence of every significant relationship we have today — and it may have started with the power of Circle.

In the present, authentic connection and intentional living are the core value and purpose of our lives.

We’re always so appreciative when we get to connect with others, like you, who hold this value, too.

Looking forward to seeing you in Circle, darling.




Connect on Instagram❤️ this is the best way to stay updated about Circles!



Frequently asked questions

I have a ticket. Where is the event?

The Circle details are sent to attendees via email approximately 1-2 hours before Circle. We wait to send the email an hour before Circle, so that we send the email only once, to *all* that are attending, as tickets trickle in! Check your email, including your spam folder if you didn't receive it.

Organized by

We (Parisa and Sara) have always had a close sister-bond and shared everything with each other; the grief, joy, pain, insecurities, victories, and fears within the human experience, and everything else in between.

When we first felt the calling to host these gatherings, however, we were lonely and felt deprived of true, real, connection outside of our own sisterhood.

We felt drained from the surface-level connections we were having everyday, and tired of relating to people from the masks we all thought we had to wear. We wanted to be raw and open-hearted, and to authentically and deeply connect with others (and not only with each other).

2019 was the first time we hosted a soulful event, which turned into us starting a conscious community for intentional living (www.soulect.co). It’s astonishing to us to look back and acknowledge that deep, truly connected and nourishing relationships are the norm of every significant relationship we have today — and it has all been from the power of Circle.

Now, authentic connection and intentional living have become the core and purpose of our lives.

We’re always so appreciative when we get to connect with others, like you, who hold this value, too.

See you in Circle, darling.