LinkedIn -How it can help you to get a job |Dixon Hall | May 15th

LinkedIn -How it can help you to get a job |Dixon Hall | May 15th

Quick overview of the LinkedIn platform and how using LinkedIn can help with your job search. Participants must be residents of Ontario.

By Dixon Hall Employment Services

Date and time

Starts on Wed, May 15, 2024 11:00 AM PDT



About this event

  • 1 hour

LinkedIn is an employment-oriented online platform that helps connect people through professional networking.

This workshop offers a quick overview of the LinkedIn platform and how using LinkedIn can help with your job search during these challenging times.

Learn tips on how to optimize your LinkedIn profile and how to create a network of contacts that will open new opportunities for effectively landing your next job.

Organized by

Our Employment Centres offer free, full service job readiness training and skills development to help facilitate entry into the workforce.