Ministry with Maturing Adults Webinar

Ministry with Maturing Adults Webinar

Prescription for COVID: A Daily Dose of Faith, Hope, and Love

By Office of Formation for Discipleship

Date and time

Sat, Jun 5, 2021 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM EDT


To be announced

About this event

These unprecedented times have been upsetting, unfair and challenging for maturing adults. We need our daily dose of faith, hope, and love to fight off the fear, gloom, and dread. As we reflect on what helped us through this past year, we discover that it was and continues to be the strength of the Gospel which provides us with answers to the trauma and fears of the pandemic.

Taking time to reflect back on the challenges and the blessings helps us to be grateful for what has occurred as it strengthens our steps for our continuing days ahead (whatever they hold). Together in this webinar, we will spend some time reflecting within our hearts and with the supportive stories and experiences of others.

All men and women in the second half of life (50+), including volunteers, parish leaders, parish staff, and priests are welcome to join this webinar.

There is no cost to attend. Registration closes on Thursday, June 3, 2021.

About the Speaker - Sr. Janet Schaeffler, OP

An Adrian Dominican Sister - has spent many years in parish and archdiocesan catechetical ministry (most recently as Director of Adult Faith Formation for the archdiocese of Detroit).

Janet currently accompanies others on their faith-journey through days of reflection/retreats, parish missions, workshops, catechist formation opportunities, adult faith formation opportunities, Myers-Briggs explorations, etc. as well as online courses through Crossroads at Boston College, the VLCFF at the University of Dayton and the Vibrant Faith Institute. Janet created and publishes GEMS - a monthly newsletter flowing from an ongoing international adult faith formation best practices study.

Janet has been an elected officer of NCCL (National Conference for Catechetical Leadership), a member of the Board, and currently a member of the NCCL Adult Faith Formation Committee. In 2010, Janet received the NCCL Distinguished Service Award in Catechetics.

Janet has been named as one who has made a significant contribution to the field of Christian religious education by the "Christian Educators of the 20th Century Project," Talbot School of Theology, Biola University, La Mirada, CA. The author of hundreds of articles and several publications in catechetical and parish ministry, her articles can be found in The Priest, Catechetical Leader, Catechist, Ministry and Liturgy, etc.

Organized by

Office of Formation for Discipleship

t: 416-934.3400, Ext. 523


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