Orientation for new international students (Graduate studies)

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Orientation for new international students (Graduate studies)

By Service aux étudiants de Polytechnique

Date and time

Starts on Wed, Jan 9, 2019 1:45 PM EST


A-404 Pavillon Principal

Polytechnique Montréal Montréal, Québec H3T 1J4 Canada


You have the obligation to attend this orientation session if you are an international graduate student. Permanent residents who have never previously studied in Canada are also strongly encouraged to participate.

During this session, you will receive important information regarding first steps at Polytechnique, academic and administrative matters, services and student life, as well as cultural adaptation.

Experience shows us that those who have attended this session have a much easier time adapting to Polytechnique and to their new life in Montréal. Do not miss it!

Those who will not be able to attend due to conflict of schedule with courses will be contacted during the first week of class for a catch-up session.

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