Portrait Drawing Online

Portrait Drawing Online

FREE portrait drawing and head study sessions, every morning 11AM EST, join along!

By Hexima



About this event

Portrait Drawing Online

Want to learn to draw like your favorite artists? Well stop watching and start drawing !!! Grab a pad of paper, your tablet or whatever surface you can find and join me on my journey to become an artist! Life drawing sessions every morning 11AM EST [ GMT-5].

Here, I live stream life drawing classes. I am by no means a master artist or professional teacher, I much like my viewers are learning to draw. I invite you to join me as I continue my journey to becoming a better artist. If your looking to learn and socialize with fellow artists this would be the perfect venue, don't forget to join us live on discord.

You can also watch all our old archived streams on Youtube & Twitch.

Frequently asked questions

What timezone are these drawing sessions?

US (NY) Eastern Standard Time(GMT -5)

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