Retrofitting Arctic Industries: The Key to our Renewable Transition

Retrofitting Arctic Industries: The Key to our Renewable Transition

WiRE and IACN continue their cooperation in creating webinars on renewable energy issues.


Date and time

Thu, May 23, 2024 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PDT



About this event

The world is striving to achieve net-zero goals by 2050. This is being spearheaded by growing innovation and investment in clean energy technologies. While these long-term projects are crucial, the daily impacts of climate change that we are already facing signal the urgency for employing energy efficient practices.

Key to achieving our net-zero goals is the upgrading of existing infrastructure and industries to become more energy efficient. This webinar will therefore explore how major industries to small scale players and individual homes in the Arctic, can be retrofitted to be more environmentally friendly and sustainable. Join us for a scintillating discussion to unearth the huge potential, economic benefits and challenges this transition will bring.

Organized by

WIRE and IACN continue their Share Your North Webinar Series on Renewable Energy in the Arctic.
