Small business 'Productivity Hour' - coworking session

Small business 'Productivity Hour' - coworking session

Join us & spend an hour working on your business. Get your week's social media, blog post, web copy, and emails DONE.

By Plan Forward Coaching

Date and time

Tue, Jul 2, 2024 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM PDT




4:00 PM - 4:05 PM

Welcome & intros - what are you working on?

4:05 PM - 4:50 PM

Working time - camera & mic off!

4:50 PM - 5:00 PM

Celebrate! Share your progress.

About this event

This is a coworking session for small business owners who need time to work on things like social media posts, blog articles, email newsletters, presentations, etc. These are so important to our business success, but they’re often hard to squeeze in.

As a fellow solopreneur, I get you. I know how important it is to stay on top of LinkedIn and Instagram posts, to connect regularly with my email list, to keep refining and tweaking my website. But days are busy, so it's easy for these things to get crowded out.

Let’s make time for the work.


About the Productivity Hour

Consider this:

An hour of productivity,
With a dash of accountability,
And a sprinkling of community.

These coworking sessions are work time. They’re an hour on your calendar dedicated to getting sh*t done.

Work on:

  • Your next email blast
  • Your LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, or other social media posts
  • Your next blog post
  • Your web copy

Basically anything your biz needs, that you can squeeze into the hour.

It’s amazing what you can accomplish in an hour, but making that hour happen can be a challenge.

Productivity Hour gives you that hour.


How it works

Here’s how this coworking session works:

  1. Join the call.
  2. Declare what you’re working on during the hour.
  3. Go camera (and mic) off, as everyone gets to work!
  4. At the end of the hour we come back together to share our progress and celebrate all our wins.


Sound like just the boost you need? See you there!

Frequently asked questions

Why join a coworking session? I can write any time!

I've seen many solopreneurs struggle to make time for social media, blog posts, etc. These feel less urgent than all the other things on our To Do lists. A coworking session helps by blocking off one hour on your calendar, giving you the company of other owners, and adding light accountability.

Will there be a presentation?

Nope, no presentations here. This is not a webinar, seminar, class, or workshop - it's shared working time with other business owners.

Can I join late? Leave early?

I'll admit people until 5 minutes into the session. If we're already working, please join quietly, turn your camera & mic off, and let us know in the chat what you're working on. If you need to leave early, no worries! Just let us know in the chat.

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