Stress Management and Self-Care through Continuum Movement

Stress Management and Self-Care through Continuum Movement

Because movement is about freedom, hope, new possibilities... Let your living body surprise you. Learn, explore, enjoy the path to fluidity.

By The Living Body Academy

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The Living Body Academy

41 Midias 142 33 Nea Ionia Greece

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About this event

    Exploring Bio-Intelligence: A Holistic Approach to Stress Management and Self-Care

    Dive deep into understanding your nervous system, release bodily tensions, and step out of hypervigilance. Learn simple movement/breathing/sounding exercises that help you find relaxation, inner balance and confidence. Discover how to switch from the survival mode (fight/flight/freeze) to a deeper adaptive and responsive attitude. Be proactive and no longer reactive.

    Transmute stress into a life-affirming force and unveil the holistic health awaiting you. Embark on a profound journey, weaving the wisdom of Continuum Movement® with the insights of the Polyvagal Theory (Dr. Stephen Porges).

    For those familiar with Continuum Movement, this series offers a fresh perspective, integrating the dance of fluidity with the science of stress response. Whether you’re constantly on the go, feeling the weight of daily pressures, or seeking relief from chronic stress, this series is your gateway to enhanced self-regulation and a deeper connection with your fluid self.

    Lean on our 30 years of experience in health-promoting practices and existential development. Be inspired by our love for movement and our passion for the ever-surprising living body. Get motivation and guidance for your personal/professional practice.

    LANGUAGE: Please be aware that for a couple of months in 2024, this class will be given in Greek language only, in our Athens studio and online. For an online format and English language, turn to our Thursday class at 8:30 pm (EEST - Greece)


    • 28€ per class

    • 80€ for a 4-class bundle

    Ready to dive deeper?

    I was amazed to discover that fluidity exists in my body too, and that surrendering to this fluid reality was helping my locked muscles to find safety and relax…

    Mark, France

    Maria-Lhamo Karakosta-Humpich, MA, RSMET, CMT

    Maria-Lhamo, MA (Master of Arts), RSMET (Registered Somatic Movement Educator and Therapist at ISMETA), CMT (Continuum Movement Teacher), is an innovator in the field of human consciousness, holistic therapies, somatic practices and change support.

    After a Master of Arts in French literature and studies in education sciences, she turned to dance and fitness training. For more than 20 years, at the crossroads of Eastern and Western cultures, she dedicated herself to somatic therapies, healing arts, trauma resolution (P. Levine), hypnosis, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), therapeutic yoga and holistic approach to the human being.

    In 2006, meeting Emilie Conrad and discovering Continuum Movement® opened new pathways for supporting people under stressful conditions and/or facing changes in their personal or professional lives. Primordial breaths, sounds and wave motions became a key factor for healing the inner imprints of past traumas and freeing oneself from today's society's conditionings and mechanistic constraints.

    Her experience of massage and fascia hands-on work led her to offer a manual approach that combines touch, primordial breaths and participation of the client/student in their path to recovery from chronic pain, deep fatigue, and stress condition by supporting homeostasis. By increasing perceptual sensitivity and helping redefine one's sense of self, Maria's work aims to develop client/student autonomy. She leads training programs in holistic massage.

    Today, Maria offers weekly classes in Continuum Movement, Continuum4Yoga, and Continuum4Fitness, thus promoting somatic education as a discovery path to the living body's wisdom and its benefits. She supports individuals as a pre and post-natal Somatic Coach, Spiritual and Meditation Coach. She is a family consultant, somatic Life coach (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), and Psychotherapy-informed Practitioner (NKUA). Through the Trauma Research Foundation's Certificate Program in Traumatic Stress Studies (USA), Maria keeps exploring.

    Maria is also specifically addressing women's needs, helping them reconnect with their true nature through "sacred feminine" workshops.

    From 2018 to 2020, she was a co-teaching assistant and co-organizer of the Continuum Movement Teacher Training Program in Greece, under Donnalea Van Vleet Goelz's direction, for participants from around Europe and North America.

    Marc Humpich, PhD

    Born in France, Marc Humpich, Ph.D. in Sciences, Associated professor at the Department of Psychosociology and Social Work of the University of Quebec in Rimouski (Canada), dedicated to change support, somatic therapies and perceptual education.

    He first studied mechanical engineering, biomechanics and robotics. While writing his Ph.D. thesis, he encountered Danis Bois (PT, DO, Ph.D. in Science of Education), the founder of a new modality for fasciatherapy and somatic psychoeducation. Touching life within would finally decide Marc to step out of his beginning career as a researcher in applied mathematics and practice somatic psychoeducation. As a colleague of Danis Bois, he taught anatomy, tissue biomechanics, and perceptual education through touch and movement awareness to healthcare professionals, educators and movement practitioners in France, Greece, Belgium, Switzerland and Canada.

    At the end of the 90s, he moved to Quebec to spread this work to Canadian practitioners. He met Jeanne-Marie Rugira (Ph.D. in Science of Education), a professor at the University of Quebec at Rimouski, where she was accompanying the human change processes. With the support of the Department for Psychosociology and Social Work professors, Jeanne-Marie and Marc created innovative courses introducing perceptual work, touch and movement awareness. They aimed to enhance students' quality of presence to themselves and others and provide them with self-regulating exercises for stress management.

    From 2004 to 2011, Marc was Assistant Director of the Center for Applied Research and Studies in Perceptual Psychoeducation, led by Danis Bois ( From 2009 to 2015, Associated Professor in perceptual psychoeducation at the Fernando Pessoa University (Porto). He is the author of many scientific publications.

    Authorized Continuum Teacher and Practitioner today, he works with individuals and groups, mainly in Greece and France, accompanying care and change processes through developing one's connection to the living body, teaching perceptual awakening and investing the inquiry proposed in Continuum Movement. He provides support to people suffering from chronic pain or stress conditions.

    The LivingBody Academy(R)

    Maria-Lhamo and Marc have worked 7 years together, exploring how to bridge their respective fields of knowledge and skills concerning both somatic therapies/practices and teaching. They share the same experience-based conviction for the possibilities to address the individual's potential through awakening their living body and movement awareness.

    Together, they created The LivingBody Academy as an innovative place for learning about, through and for the living body we all are, and thus helping to unfold the unexplored possibilities bio-intelligence offers for integrative health, personal and interpersonal growth and embodiment of one's spiritual path.

    They both offer private sessions in-person and online, as well as group classes in Greek language but in French and English too.

    Organized by

    €28 – €80