Sunday talk with Mahnaz; shared testimonies of journeying through Islam

Sunday talk with Mahnaz; shared testimonies of journeying through Islam

Every Sunday @ 9 am, Newfoundland time, converse about personal journey pathways in Islam. *Round table discussions 2 share testimonies*

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About this event

Bismillah E Rahman E Raheem, inshallah every Sunday @ 9 AM I intend on facilitating a respectful discussion with you (participants) about my own and your personal journey with Islam. This is open to any and all who wish to either share their story of how Allah has impacted them and there family etc, listen to others and learn with the team present, open your hearts to Allah and be with the spirit of mutual respect and peace that the faith breathes in its origins, discuss inquiries and questions in a tone respectful at all times with the intent to better the awareness of the praiseworthy Allah, Ameen. This is not a place to come to with a critical lens of Islam or Allah, as this is a place to be with peace and humility to Allah. It is open for people who are either Muslim or curious to Islam and wanting to learn more. It is not a place for racist participants or critics of Islam. This is an intention to gather all who are already in humble gratitude of Allah and love Islam for the peace it gives them and wish to be in this spirit of love with one another, OR people who wish to learn more about Islam and are genuinely open to listen and learn/question with an open mind and heart.

Inshallah I will see you for the start of this holy gathering in which Allah’s ultimate mercy will be upon us as we gather internationally via the world web to share our stories and learn from each other on how Islam has impacted us. Stories can range from your relationship with Allah the almighty, miracles, Duas, historical narratives, educational backgrounds of Islam, Islamic art and cultural traditions and any other item relevant to Islam you may wish to share to enhance the spirit of Islam, inshallah. May Allah be pleased with me for attempting to create this place of synergy and praise as all glory comes from Allah.

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