Thrive! VIP Consultation Events for Great Health, Happiness & Success

Thrive! VIP Consultation Events for Great Health, Happiness & Success

Consult with Sharon Love, M.Ed. (Psychology) via zoom or by phone. Click the "Select a Date" button or call 416-997-138(two) to book.

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Starts on Thu, Sep 26, 2024 4:00 PM PDT



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About this event

Would you like to... yourself and love your life?

...enjoy great health and happiness?

...thrive & change lives and maybe save lives?

...attract millions with your message?

...make great money by inspiring & empowering people?

...get high-paying speaking opportunities and/or get clients you love? what you love, "play and get paid"? where you love to live, work from anywhere?

...enjoy more time and energy for your loved ones?

...create a kinder, greener, LGBT-friendlier world?

If so, please click the "select a date" button above, and register this small, interactive, life-changing consultation.

Hi! My name is Sharon Love. I overcame near-mute shyness in my teens, inspired over 2,000,000 people to support marriage equality, and once raised over $6,000,000 with a single presentation.

I also wrote a book called "Love You; Your Treasure Map to Your Great Purpose." In order to clarify your purpose, you need great self-confidence.

Please click "Select a Date" above to thrive & change lives.

Do you love to inspire and empower people? Would you like to attract millions of people and/or millions of dollars with your message? These 5 free secrets are your super powers, so you can thrive and change lives. If you want to attract high-paying speaking opportunities, high-paying clients, and/or loyal top talent, this is my gift to you.

YOU DESERVE TO DO WHAT YOU LOVE, in a place you love, with people you love. You deserve great fun, freedom, meaning, love and connection. If you want to inspire and prosper, here are three secrets to help you live your dreams and empower your world...


Clarity attracts prosperity. Many people waste decades of time and energy doing work they don't love because they don't know their great purpose. They feel burnt out, overwhelmed and exhausted.

Once you clarify your great purpose, you feel energized, inspired and empowered. You attract people, resources and money like a magnet. I believe your Great purpose is as unique as your fingerprint. I also believe that your great purpose benefits you, other people and the planet.

On a scale of 1-10, where 10 is high, how clear is your great purpose right now? If you'd like my billion dollar question to clarify your great purpose, you can click the link or button near this video.

Hi, my name is Sharon Love, M.Ed. (Psychology), CEO of Prosperity University and . I overcame near-mute shyness in my teens and went on to inspire over 2,000,000 people online, give live talks to thousands of people in French, English and Spanish, and raise $6,000,000 with a single presentation for a youth business program in Toronto.

If a mute girl can inspire millions with these secrets, what can you do with these secrets? Of course, my results aren't typical and any new career will take time, energy and willingness to learn. Your results will depend mostly on you.


If a kind CEO asked you to speak, inspire kindness, empower her team, and earn $100,000 in just four hours, would you accept? _____ If so, this is for you...

Workplaces pay you top dollar IF you help them to prosper and succeed. If you're a new speaker giving a talk to ten people for an hour, then you can charge $1,000/hour or more. If you're an experienced speaker giving a talk to 100 people, you can charge at least $10,000/hour.

Yes, if you're an experienced speaker and the workplace invests $100 per person per hour, you earn $10,000 per hour of speaking. No, you don't need to be famous, you just need to help them get results. Famous people can make up to $1,000,000 per speech.

Scroll Down for Examples of Speakers who earn $9,000 -$20,000 per one-hour speech. As you can see, they are not famous household names, just ordinary people...

More Free Secrets to Help You Speak, Inspire Kindness & Prosper You're also invited to click the button above to join our online event to help you make great money by making a difference...

On a scale of 1-10, where 10 is high, how clear is your path to prosperity right now? This may help... For example, if you want high-paying speaking opportunities, most corporate workplaces pay at least $100 per person for a one-hour inspirational speech. It's a good investment for them if you help boost their results.

If these numbers surprise you, I suggest you Google "keynote speakers fees" and see for yourself. If you want to know more about how to get high-paying speaking opportunities, I used to hire speakers for corporate gigs, and I'd be happy to help. If you want to attract high-paying clients or loyal top talent, answer this question... What are the deeply desired results you help people enjoy? People will pay you for results they really want.

Visualize your path to prosperity. Dare to dream of inspiring and empowering people, making money by making a difference, working from whereever you like. Who are you helping? Where are you working? What result are you helping them to achieve? Why do you love it?

Do you recognize these people who charge $9,000 - $20,000 per one-hour speech?


Your Power Story is not a sales pitch. It's your unique true story that creates trust and rapport with your audience.

For example, I often share the story of when I was so shy that at 15, my English teacher put me in a group with the popular girl to give a presentation. The popular girl yelled,

"Sharon!?! I'm supposed to give a presentation with Sharon?!? That kid can't even talk!" The whole class stared at me and I felt my face getting really hot. As usual, I couldn't think of anything to say because I thought nothing I could say would ever be good enough.

That was the moment I decided to overcome my shyness and learn to speak with people. I began researching secrets of the world's greatest speakers and leaders. Eventually, I did a Master's in Psychology at University of Toronto. Once I discovered those secrets, they became like magical super powers! I'll never forget when the government funder saw my presentation at the Youth Business Centre in Toronto. When she smiled and nodded, I smiled and nodded back, trying to play it cool. Inside, I was jumping for joy. I knew we just got the funding. She gave $400,000 to the centre soon after and they've been getting that funding every year for over 16 years. Now, that has added up to over $6,000,000.

On a scale of 1-10, how clear is your Power Story right now? If you'd like to discover your power story, so you can attract millions, you can click the link or button near this video.

Do you ever feel overwhelmed and/or exhausted at work? Do you secretly resent your job? Need more ease, freedom, kindness and consideration?

Are you ever frustrated, depressed and/or bored? Need more meaning and clarity about your life purpose?

Do you ever feel trapped and/or suffocating in a "golden closet" that others call "success"? Is it lonely at the top? Do you need more connection and/or appreciation?

Do you secretly envy speakers who earn $10,000 / hour or $20,000 per hour (see them below, and no, they're not famous)?

If you answered "yes" to one or more of these questions, this is for you...

The secret is to create an online course and/or get high-paying speaking opportunities. Scroll below for 5 free secrets. Discover how to live your dreams & inspire your world.


When I hired speakers for high-paying corporate speaking opportunities, I looked for speakers who would inspire and empower me. If they did that for me, I knew they could do that for my staff and most of the employees in my organization.

Share Your Power Story that inspires your ideal audience. Yes, you have a Power Story! Everyone does, and I'd love to help you discover it. You do NOT need to be famous, educated, popular, outgoing, rich, attractive, or even successful. You do NOT need to write a book, to win the Olympics, or to spend years researching and developing a speech. You just need to be open to discovering the gold in your soul. I promise you, it's there.

In the fun & exciting master class online, discover the 3 Psychological Storytelling Secrets of Billion-Dollar Blockbuster Movies. Write Your Power Story to get clients you love, get free P.R., attract top talent, and prosper. Learn Sharon Love's 5 Power Interview Questions and how to attract customers and clients easily online.


Create an invitation video, music video, or mini-documentary that inspires and empowers your ideal audience and attracts millions. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your Power Story video or documentary?

If you'd like to save 25 years of research and development, discover the Psychological secrets of the world's greatest speakers and leaders, This is for you. Just click to discover your power story and share it with a world class documentary or music video that can attract millions.

Please like, share subscribe and click the l click the "select a date" button to get started now. Thanks! You make a difference.

Here's what participants said about our online events and consulting...


* Inspire & empower people

* Thrive, change lives & maybe help save lives

* Skip the Master’s degree in Psychology, and 25 years of research, and save 25 years or more of time.  

* Build your credibility to attract high-paying clients

This is for you if you are an empathic entrepreneur, executive or speaker and you are kind and friendly to all people including LGBTQ people (yes, open-minded straight people are welcome). We only promote content and organizations that benefit you, other people and the planet.  

* Of course your results will depend mainly on you and your openness to implement what you have learned. You will only benefit if you act on the powerful psychological secrets we teach and follow up on the win-win relationships you build.

GUARANTEE: enjoy 1,000% R.O.I. for every dollar and every hour you invest with us each month, or you will get another $25,000 worth of consulting (15 minutes) at no extra charge.


LGBTQ youth (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Queer youth) need our support! Many LGBTQ youth face bullying, abuse, rejection and depression. You can thrive, change lives and maybe even save lives with just five words, and get promoted worldwide to 25,000 CEOs and professionals. Yes! Get over $300 of FREE BONUS marketing to people who can hire you to speak, simply for saying FIVE WORDS.

Join us online to co-produce a video, which we will promote to 25,000 LGBT-friendly youth, professionals and executives.

Support LGBTQ youth by saying, "We appreciate LGBTQ people" and/or "You're more than good enough". For a donation of $5 or more, we will record your words and promote the video to our network as an LGBTQ-friendly speaker.

Click the button to get your speaking promoted worldwide and learn speaking success secrets from Sharon Love, M.Ed. (Psychology), the former mute girl who inspired over 2,000,000 people online, raised over $6,000,000 with a presentation, and hired speakers for high-paying corporate speaking opportunities.

Here are Examples of Speakers who earn $9,000 -$20,000 per one-hour speech. As you can see, they are not famous household names, just ordinary people like most of us.

KINDNESS MATTERS MANIFESTO: We only work with people and businesses that benefit you, other people and the planet.

This is for you if you are KIND and have integrity...

* you are an empath, empathic entrepreneur, executive and/or speaker

* you are kind and friendly to all people including LGBTQ people (yes, open-minded straight people are welcome)

* your life and your dream benefits you, other people and the planet

* you have integrity, honesty, and a desire to make a positive difference in the world

* you are open to learning and investing time and energy in your success

This is NOT for people who want to control others so they can...

* manipulate others

* get results without putting any time or energy into it

* sell snake oil, narcissistic leaders, mind abuse cults, patriarchal religions, meat products, MLM products, tobacco, cannabis, alcohol, weapons, drugs, sex trade services, pornography, or other products or services that harm people, animals and/or the planet

We only work with people and ethical, legal businesses that benefit you, other people and the planet.

Thanks! You make a difference. Together, we can thrive, save lives, and create a kinder world.

Sharon Love, M.Ed. (Psychology), CEO, ,,

If you encounter technical difficulties, you can text 416-997-138(two).