VC Investment & Financing Question & Answer: Controlling the Conversation

VC Investment & Financing Question & Answer: Controlling the Conversation

Remarkable research highlights investor Q&A session

By Manitoba Women in Agriculture and Food

Date and time

Mon, Mar 27, 2023 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM PDT



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About this event

When raising funding you may realize the pitch gets you in the door, but it is the question and answer session where the funding decisions are made. The Q&A may also happen to be your worst nightmare. Investors want to invest in founders who demonstrate business-building skills and leadership qualities.

You can control the conversation by deliberately redirecting obstacle-type questions into leadership-type answers. Dr. Ellen Farrell has studied the best science in the world to bring you revealing insights on how to control the conversation and win respect and investment at the same time.

Dr. Ellen Farrell is Professor at the Sobey School of Business at Saint Mary’s University specializing in venture capital and entrepreneurship. Her current work focuses on the gender gap in Canada’s venture capital funding. She has created a skills training program for women seeking funding, Working with women across North America she is helping women raise investment.

Dr. Farrell has coached teams beating Yale, MIT, Dartmouth, Cornell, Columbia, John Hopkins, NYU and Babson in the international Venture Capital Investment Competition in Boston. Twice she was recognized as one of the nation's top six mentors awarded by the Business Development Bank of Canada and Futurepreneur. Her hands-on manner and enthusiastic style make her a popular speaker.

Ellen has conducted research for MaRS District of Ontario, Industry, Science and Economic Development Canada, Industry Canada, ACOA, Women’s Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub and the Atlantic Provinces Chambers of Commerce. She has worked to achieve provincial and regional objectives alongside the Office of Economic Development for the Province of Nova Scotia.

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