SOLD OUT!!! -- EVENING Healing Circle with Rose Spirit
Ticket sales end soon

SOLD OUT!!! -- EVENING Healing Circle with Rose Spirit

A live, online healing and guided meditation to connect with Rose Spirit Plant and receive guidance for the future on the Flower Moon.

By Trillium Healing Path

Date and time

Thu, May 23, 2024 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM PDT



Refund Policy

No Refunds

About this event

*** Limited number of tickets.***


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You also have the option of receiving guidance from my YouTube channel. YouTube is really for people who prefer just guidance - but for those who want to take it a step further can go to my Patreon to listen to healing meditations and receive downloads to flow easier with the future. When we remove old negative belief systems, we can change our future.

ACCESSING THE ONLINE EVENT: A link to the live online Circle will be sent to you an hour before the event starts. This online event is happening from Vancouver, Canada (PST). If you are participating from outside of Vancouver, please double-check your time zone to ensure you're logging in at the right time. Add my email to your contact list so the event link goes directly to your inbox, and avoids the spam folder:

The Healing Circle

If you've been part of my Circles and journeys I share on social media, you know that Rose is my fave Spirit Plant Medicine! Rose will guide us on the journey in healing relationships. What we will heal will be revealed in the cards, and the cards are very much based on who is registered.

In summary, what's included in your ticket:

25-30 mins group reading sent before the Circle so you can begin preparing for the releases, healing and the downloads.

1 hour of live online healing meditation on Zoom. Please note that Circles can go overtime to accommodate the changing energy of the group and to provide more downloads to support it.

25-30 mins group reading sent to help guide you in your healing integration.

I also spend a couple of days tuning into each and every participant's energy to channel out the healing journey. These are negative beliefs that needs to be released from the group, and positive downloads or manifestation exercises that need to happen.

An audio recording of this Circle will be available to the participants for one week. For those who are in a different time zone than I am, can listen to the recorded Circle at their own time. Please make sure you are able to listen to the recording before it expires.

Some other things we will work on:

  • Deep grounding work, to connect with the Earth so that we are fully "rooted" in our own being, without being influenced by Ego when manifesting.

  • Downloads of positive beliefs based on the reading specifically for the group.

  • Releasing the five major "Rs" in healing, as this energy can block abundance and relationships from coming in: Regrets, Resentments, Rejections, Rage and Revenge.

  • Elevation of your energy to connect deeply with Spirit/Universe/Creator to be able to manifest correctly, and a place of clear intention and a pure heart.

  • Releasing any blocks and fears that may come up in the prep reading for the group.

  • If there is enough released within the group, we can do deep manifesting work using several methods.

  • So far in the Circles, songs have been coming through, which is Spirit's way of noting any negative or positive beliefs that will be part of the healing journey. Note that the song playlist shifts and changes depending on who registers.

Before the Circle

I send out supportive information to begin the healing process such as tarot cards to the group.

I also spend a couple of days tuning into Spirit and channeling/typing out negative beliefs and family cycles/patterns to release from the group (which is why the registration ends a few days before the event so I can tune into each person's energy and intuitively explore what blocks need to be released.) There could be anywhere from 8 - 11 pages of releases, healing and downloads specific to the group.

An audio reading to the group will also be sent, with channeled interpretation of the cards from Spirit. This is so you can connect to the energy of the Circle through my voice, and also begin doing your own homework based on the tarot guidance: reflecting on your blocks, connecting the dots between the messages from the channeled guidance and the signs, synchronicities and omens you are receiving from Spirit. These audio readings are created as a YouTube video, and the link to it will be sent in the prep email.

I send out the reading the day after registration ends, or when the tickets sell out. Whichever one happens first.

During the live online Circle

All Circles involve guided meditation and healing, and this has been beneficial to participants allowing deeper sleep and being able to receive more guidance from Spirit.

As always, this is subject to change depending on the energy that has gathered along with the main intent of this Circle. I simply flow and channel Spirit in all of my Circles. For specific intentions of the Circle related to the phase of the moon, see above.

During the Circle, I do follow the channeled pages for our journey. However, we do go "off-script" from time to time to accomodate the changing energy of the group before continuing on with the "script". I always flow with my intuitive nudges in every Circle :-)

After the Circle

At the end of the Circle, I'm guided to pull out some more tarot cards with guidance on how to integrate from all the healing. A picture of the cards will be sent the next day to all participants, including other supportive info such as self-care to integrate from all the healing.

Another audio reading to the group will also be created and posted on YouTube, containing guidance on how to integrate from the healing and how to flow with the future energies.

Who should attend?

Circles offered by me and my Spirit Guides are excellent for those who are:

  • interested in receiving these group distance healing sessions to maintain their wellness and feel uplifted after connecting with Spirit as part of a self-care routine.

  • needing to stay connected to high vibrational energy and Spirit, and also be in the company of like-minded souls.

  • new to me and my Spirit Team, and interested in experiencing our Circles and receive healing, before booking a private session with me.

  • interested in registering for my courses and would like a taste of what the Circles would be like.


I didn't get my link to the online Circle?

Check to make sure you've done these:

1. Check your Spam or Junk folder. I send the link to the Circle one hour before the event starts.

2. Before the event starts, add my email to your contact list so the online link avoids the Spam folder and goes directly to your Inbox. I stop checking my email 30 mins before the Circle begins, so I'll leave it up to you to have everything successfully set up.

3. Did you enter your email address correctly? Sometimes in the moment of excitement and in the rush to get one of the limited tickets, addresses can be entered wrong. I use the email given to me upon registration, so please double check :-) I am unable to correct your email address for you.

I didn't receive my ticket confirming my registration?

Check the Spam folder. Also, when registering, please double-check to ensure you have entered your e-mail correctly. I am unable to correct your email address for you.

I registered, but didn't get the group reading?

Depending on your email provider, the email may end up in Spam, Junk or Promotions folder. Hotmail tends to have issues with attachments like images that are sent to the group. Once you have received the images, temporarily download them in a safe place and then view the contents.

Can I share the ticket with someone?

Your registration/ticket is for one person. I need to keep the Circle small, as I do my best work in small group settings. Towards the end of the Circle, I go down the list of names registered for the Circle and ground each and every one of you back into your body.

Is my registration/ticket transferable?

Your registration/ticket is not transferable to another person or event.

Is there a refund if I can no longer attend?

There is no refund once you have paid and registered. Circles are for those who are fully committed to their healing and spiritual growth. If you miss the live Circle, the replay will be available for one week only and will leave it up to you to schedule a time to listen to it before it expires.

The recorded meditation is now expired?

The replay is only available for one week and is automatically deleted. Please ensure you schedule time to listen to the replay if you are unable to attend. If you missed the replay, there will be an administrative fee of $25 to retrieve the deleted recording, reactivate it, set a new expiry date, and generate a new password for you and to personally email you the link and other details.

NOTE: By registering for any of the events, you are automatically added to my email list and be one of the first to know about upcoming online courses and Circles to heal your life and become more aligned with your soul's journey here on Earth.

Organized by

Mari is a Japanese Canadian living in Vancouver, BC. She works as an Intuitive Reader, Reiki Master Teacher and ThetaHealing Practitioner with advanced and expert level trainings. Mari enjoys giving spiritual guidance to help people see positive steps they can take to live the life they need to live. To learn more about her services and to view a complete list of classes she offers, visit Trillium Healing Path.

For free guidance, visit the YouTube channel. If the reading resonates, go to Patreon to receive the healing meditation and integration reading to remove any negative belief systems and receive positive downloads, abundance codes and feel more open to love and life.

Mari also channels spiritual tools inspired by plant medicines. To view a collection of her smudging fans, visit The Secret Woods.
