Three Secrets to a Holistic Divorce Reinvention
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Three Secrets to a Holistic Divorce Reinvention

Transform your divorce journey from surviving to thriving! Join our workshop to discover your next right step.

By Lisa Gu

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About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour 30 minutes

    Every Sunday 10-11:30 a.m. via Zoom

    Are you feeling lost and utterly alone in the never-ending maze of divorce battles, paralyzed with fear and overwhelmed with emotional fatigue? It's as if your life is on hold, leaving you unable to work, parent, or even sleep.

    I've stood exactly where you are, enduring the excruciating pain of witnessing my family and the world around me crumble. Four years ago, during the chaos of COVID-19, I navigated my unexpected divorce in a foreign land, pregnant and utterly alone.

    It was a nightmare.

    In those sleepless nights, I asked the same question that may be haunting you now: "When will this pain end?"

    Here's the thing—I found not just an answer but created a roadmap to a holistic divorce reinvention. Through personal trials, self-discovery, and walking alongside many clients, I discovered three pivotal pillars of divorce that, when embraced together, can transform your journey from surviving to thriving.

    So, who should join this transformative experience?

    • You, navigating the fog of divorce, uncertain of your next right move
    • You, wondering where is your confidence and courage
    • You, seeking support, clarity, and closure amidst the chaos
    • You, unafraid to take responsibility for your own healing and growth
    • You, with the burning desire to reinvent yourself through this profound transformation
    • You, ready to be empowered to author your best life book

      What's on the agenda?
    • Discover the three fundamental elements of a healthy and meaningful divorce transformation
    • Learn about Lisa’s Divorce Reincarnation Journey Map
    • Take a status check on where you stand today and where you envision yourself tomorrow

      Why should you make space for this in your life?
    • Clarity: Gain insight into the three key pillars of your divorce transformation and uncover your next right step
    • Ownership: Reclaim control of your divorce process and embark on a healing journey with intention

      What do you need to bring?
    • An open mind and an open heart
    • Your pen and paper, ready to capture the revelations that will reshape your path forward

      Ready to start digging into the answers on how to end the pain? Sign up today!

      Photo credit: by Drew Colins and Joshua Earle on Unsplash

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