Yoga at the park for newcomers to Canada (Calgary)

Practice yoga at the park with other newcomers who moved to Calgary and socialize afterwards!

By Thruyoga®

Select date and time

Wed, Jun 26, 2024 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM MDT


Prince's Island

Prince's Island Calgary, AB Canada

Refund Policy

No Refunds


6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Yoga at the park

7:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Social at the park

About this event

Starting June 5th, 2024, join us every Wednesday at 6pm to practice yoga outdoors along with other internationals to Canada who moved to Calgary (either within the first year or have been residing here for a few years now - everybody is welcome).

The class will be hosted in English and it is optional to stay for the social afterwards to connect. Classes will go from June through October 2024.


Park location: Prince's Island, Next to Bow River Pathway.

Fee: Pay what you can. We understand that we all have different circumstances, especially when moving to a new country.

Class price ranges start at 15CAD (taxes and card transactions not included in the price).

If you cannot afford this, please contact me so we can find a solution together.

Please join our community at Heylo to connect with other internationals who are practicing with us:

About Thruyoga:

We all go through very similar challenges when we move to a new country and sometimes it can make the world of difference just knowing that you are not alone!

Myself, Elisabet, as a newcomer to Canada, I founded Newcomers Thruyoga in Toronto in 2020 to bring newcomers and wellness together to provide community, emotional security, stability and mental health resources.

This year we are starting in Calgary since I have relocated to Alberta, and would love to bring internationals that have moved to this wonderful city to connect and practice yoga together.

Everyone who resonates with this community is welcome to join.

Who guides the experience?

Hi, I am Elisabet, a 280h Certified Yoga Instructor from Barcelona and a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) with Yoga Alliance. I’ve been practising yoga since I moved to Toronto in 2014, and I’ve found that yoga has helped me to feel grounded and to grow stronger, more flexible and fearless. As a child, I took part in gymnastics, and I find that yoga helps me to find the balance within breath and movement. Yoga has been inspiring me to live each moment more mindfully, which is how I enjoy teaching my classes - focusing on the breath in every asana. I hold calm and deep classes, combining asanas with inspirational thoughts, seeking to help others to thrive and live with purpose and empowerment.

I love guiding people through mindfulness coaching and energy healing, so I hold different certifications in Pranic Healing, ThetaHealing, Mindfulness and SUP Yoga to enrich my sessions and experiences with additional knowledge.

I am the founder of Thruyoga , where I create immersive yoga experiences in nature that awaken and cultivate your authentic self through a learning-by-doing experience that includes yoga as a main activity, plus meditation, journaling, music, power circles and more.

I am looking forward to having you! :)

Follow us:

Thruyoga: @thruyoga

Newcomers Thruyoga: @newcomersthruyoga

Elisabet Camprubi: @elicamprubi


The community:

Elisabet Camprubí, your guide:

Organized by

¡Hola a todos!

Soy Elisabet, fundadora, instructora de yoga y corazón de la comunidad.

Me encanta pasar tiempo en la naturaleza. Enseñar y compartir alegra mi corazón, ya que fue el yoga lo que me dio el espacio que necesitava y la calma durante mis tiempos difíciles. Creo que es hora de compartir las hermosas enseñanzas del yoga y nos acompañemos en el camino de la vida.

Espero verte en las experiencias y talleres que organizo en esta preciosa comunidad alrededor del mundo.

Amor y luz.


Hi everyone!

This is Elisabet, founder, yoga instructor & heart of the community.

I love spending time around nature. Teaching and sharing makes my heart happy, as it was yoga that gave me relief during my challenging times. I believe it is time to share the beautiful teachings of yoga and maybe we walk each other home a little while together.

I sincerely hope to see you at one of the events I organize in this beautiful community around the globe.

Love and light.

From $17.31